Thursday, December 19, 2019


This impeachment business has enough nuisances to leave me befuddled. As I understand it, the House of Representatives passed a “resolution”. They still need to vote on, and send to the Senate, the actual impeachment. In other words, a two step process.

Pelosi had a press conference where she said that won’t happen until she and the (P)regressive leadership are assured of a “fair trial” by the Senate.

So what is going to happen?

The (P)regressives must believe the  ongoing bullshit will help them and weaken President Trump. Mark Levin says it is to prevent President Trump from appointing another Supreme Court Justice before the 2020 election. Is Ruthy about to croak?

My guess is the Democrats haven’t anything concrete to run on, nothing that they can claim as an accomplishment, so their strategy in 2020 will be a constant drum roll of “impeachment, he was impeached, he is illegitimate”, and on and on. This will be the talking points of their syncopate allies, the American Media Maggots (h/t BZ).

Both groups will be praying for, and trying to trigger, an economic downturn.

Unless the Deep State can get to McConnell, he will continue to tell Pelosi to pack sand. She probably thinks she is in a win/win situation. She gets her “fair trial” or she can pontificate about the evil Republicans.

Yes, we have no bananas today. Give the (P)regressives what they want and we will have bananas, a Banana Republic.


Old NFO said...

Yep, definitely backed into a corner, and NO idea which way to go now.

LSP said...

Just bizarre.

Wager a Guinea on the fightin' monkey 45 wins 2020 by a landslide, Devil take the hindmost and twice as fast. Bets on?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

What is the old wisdom? If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging?

Don't bet against a stacked deck. Then again, I buy lottery tickets.

Ami said...

The Democrats won't win this one. But of course it won't be THEIR fault, they'll blame the Republicans. And our taxes will go up, regular people will continue to get screwed, politicians will continue to get richer, and both sides will point fingers at each other, continue to sow divisiveness, call everyone who doesn't agree with them a racist/fascist/socialist... pick your pejorative.

Saying that all of them are shitbags doesn't even come close to my actual feelings.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Same old, same old.

LL said...

The donkeys tried to gore the ox that they hate but it backfired and they're trying to figure out which way to jump. Why not more lies and a whole new impeachment investigation?

They're all heading home for Christmas and will put this behind them. It may not stay there, though.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

My fervent hope is this will bite them in the ass, hard. They need to lose control of the House at a minimum.