Friday, July 26, 2024

Minor Obsession


Steam engines fascinate me and I rarely miss a chance to see one working. Today the “Big Boy” returned from the Western Excursion.


The location is at the Hermosa Tunnels SE of Tie Siding, WY. Thankfully the rain had stopped but the drive up US 285 was in rain from Livermore to just past the Wyoming/Colorado line (Pumpkin Vine Road).

For those who enjoy precision, the snaps were taken at:

41°04’42.44”N  105°27’53.22”W  elevation 7,975’ ASL.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is it OK to post without a snappy headline?

Splitting Hairs – Colorado Wolves

Suspicious minds (mine) have little confidence in the truthfulness of state agencies including Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Ranchers are now allowed to kill wolves attacking “working dogs”. You can read the whole article at the link. The  specific bullshit reason is, per the State, this.

Language allowing wolves caught “in the act of attacking” livestock or working dogs to be killed was included in the 10(j) rule but the words “or working dogs” were “inadvertently” left out of the state regulations, commission chair Dallas May said Friday.


Routt County where I spent my teens and still have rancher friends has two confirmed wolf kills. You can read the whole article at the link. What caught my attention is this gem.

The first fatal wolf attack reported in the county came on June 15. Colorado Parks and Wildlife does not release public information on the attacks beyond confirming them in an online database

Does not release public information? Who the hell gives them the authority to withhold that information, and why?


 Turkish Boz

Guardian livestock dogs are gaining use now. In my youth I can’t remember much talk, or use, of these dogs. Two rancher friends operate a 100+ year old ranch in Routt County. Now in their late 70’s, the day to day operation is run by their son and his wife. They raise and sell Turkish Boz guardian dogs.


Age is what you make of it. My friends, Jim and Jo, are working 14 hour days right now putting up hay.

He has been a snake his whole life; why would he change now?

The damage SloJo and his radical handlers can do in the next few months shouldn’t be ignored. One bloggers take.


Made me snort

As always, YMMV

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Good Riddance

 Biden drops out

Others smarter than this blogger will have profound insights. I will just go with some low humor.

Integrity? A Democrat? It can happen.


Green Lies

Light bulbs. Replace incandescent bulbs with “energy efficient” LED. Last much longer. I moved into a brand new building with the latest, greatest lights. I constantly am replacing bulbs. I can’t remember replacing the bulb in my decades old bedside lamp.

Long Life


Buying a Vehicle

For amusement I like to watch videos and read articles of tips for consumers buying vehicles. When active in the business, this was something I diligently did to keep myself prepared for the “informed” consumer.

Here a couple of “pro” tips. The greatest tool at the dealer’s disposal is, NO”. You want the vehicle; you want to be in control of the purchasing process, etc. Before you drive away with that new ride, I WILL take control. You aren’t the only possible customer and I will let you walk. On the other side of that coin is, you the customer can say NO and go elsewhere.

The other pro tip is this. All used cars are for sale for a reason. If it was perfect, someone would still be driving it. Before you ever start shopping, line up a mechanic who will examine the vehicle. Emphasis on before! Don’t waste the seller’s time by waiting until you find the vehicle before having a pre-inspection setup.

A hassle free vehicle purchase may be possible. Likewise, unlimited free lunches are possible.

I can already hear the, “Yeah, but” chorus. As always, YMMV.

Bad County to get frisky

Outlaw motorcycle gang playing stupid games and earning nasty prizes.



A few years ago I posted “Wyoming Cowgirls”, a complete tongue in cheek observation on the charming cowgirls. For whatever reason, nonsensical comments keep appearing on my feed from that post. Tiring of the situation, I have deleted the post.

Fauxahontas gets her ass handed to her


My Go to Comic Strip


As always, YMMV

Thursday, July 18, 2024

DEI and Trump Debacle

Proving once again women can be just as incompetent as men.

Does anyone else notice how no Democrat Senator or Representative is howling for an investigation? Or, are we not hearing them?

As always, YMMV

Friday, July 12, 2024

Something Different and Not Political


Leadville Railroad

My Sister (Sisty) and I are railroad fans from our youth.  To celebrate my 80th trip around the Sun, she treated us to a trip on the Leadville Railroad.

The trip was interesting, the fellow passengers mellow and friendly and the staff went overboard making sure everyone was enjoying the adventure.

 In no particular order here are a few pictures taken.

Thank you Sisty for a great day!

As always, YMMV

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Green Scream, aka, Tough Shit Snowflake

 Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo

Listen to the environazies scream. Maybe, just maybe, we can take our country back from these unelected “we are smarter than you” trust fund snots and want to be tyrants.


The trucking industry, among others, will jump on this ruling like a transplanted wolf on a newborn calf. Another interesting question is how will this affect the government mandates on EVs?


/(1946) The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) governs the process by which federal agencies develop and issue regulations. It includes requirements for publishing notices of proposed and final rulemaking in the Federal Register, and provides opportunities for the public to comment on notices of proposed rulemaking.Aug 17, 2023

 This came about to end the excesses of FDRs New Deal and the many draconian measures taken in WW II – the Constitution be damned. One example. USA citizens, of Japanese, German, and Italian descent put into internment camps.

More Emperor Polis for POSTUS 


Another trust fund snot puts in his two cents.


While I’m enjoying watching the (P)regressives circle firing squad formations as Biden reneges on his private promise to be a one term president, I remain convinced the election will be determined by those counting the votes.

Bankruptcy and Downsizing

Every day there seems to be one or more stories of business declaring bankruptcy, Chapter 13 reorganization, closing locations, and completely dissolving the businesses.

 Restaurants and retailers seem to be the majority. COVID, over regulation, taxes and inflation seem to be reasons. Question? How will the laid off workers, the franchise owners, and the stockholders vote for this upcoming election?

Sorry,  forgot the election will be determined by those who count the votes.

Well, Shucky Darn

My YouTube Premium subscription stopped working.  The videos played but the comments didn’t display. Assuming Windows 7 was corrupted, rebooted, ran all the AVG stuff, etc. After finding a way to report the problem to YouTube, submitted a report. Gobsmacked! Two days later everything is back to normal.

Why Windows 7? Because I can sort of use it. I have a second computer with Windows 11. Little of that program makes any sense to me.

Trust Fund Snot Wet Dream - Jackson Hole


As always, YMMV

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Intifada, My Ass


Who funds this?

Occasionally Colorado Peak Politics puts out a good opinion piece.

Paid Protestors

My personal point of view is Israel should tell the world to fuck off. They are fighting for their lives. My question is why Jews in the United States put up with these protesters?

 What would have happened in 1930’s Germany if some Jews, WWI veterans, had shot the marching storm troopers?   

Might I suggest a place to see a clear view of what is happening in Israel?

Boots on the Ground

Go Woke, Go Broke

Tractor Supply stepped on their pee-pee.

Woke to Broke

They have another issue; chick brooders. Every spring baby chicks are for sale. Someone thought it would be a good idea to ditch the old way of holding chicks for a new brooder. Too bad the new ones don’t work.

No, just no! 

Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo Supreme Court Decision

This just may save our country from the Federal Bureaucracy ramming radical agendas down our throats. A great explanation is at Washington Gun Law. The video is somewhat scrambled but the good stuff starts at about 4:28.

Lawyer Speak

UP 4014 6/30/2024

Met up with Dr Jim (Every Blade of Grass) near Tie Siding, WY to see the steam engine pass. Rolling downhill it was so quiet it was on top of us before we knew it. It didn’t help I was talking his ear off.

Later I drove back roads to Cheyenne. We drove past several miles of this fence. We: Banner and I.

Heaven Help Us – Emperor Polis Edition

Common knowledge Emperor Polis wants to be President. With Biden stumbling, speculation runs wild.


 For the past year he has been working to create an image as a contrarian. No, he is a born Boulder (P)regressive. He re-branded himself from Shultz to Polis.

 More Wyoming

Where things get done.

Social Security

The average lifespan for someone born in 1944, from one source, is 65.2 years. Just 3.2 years past the earliest one can start collecting. Where is the rest of the money paid into over a lifetime? We read all the time that Social Security is going broke? How is that possible when the swamp “borrows” from Social Security? As collateral, they use government bonds backed by “The full faith and credit of the United States”. If Social Security is going broke, does that mean all those bonds are worthless?

 Since I’ve now lived 13.9 years past my life expectancy, does that make me a useless eater along with being a Deplorable?

Perhaps the best part of turning 80 is outliving my enemies. Per Clarence Darrow:

"I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

Preach it brother.

 As always, YMMV




Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Courts Are Our Last Resort

 Hurrah for three branches of government and courts

A huge wind farm blocked by lawsuits from local residents near Tie Siding, WY.


This will be long and ugly. If the Orange Man wins, this will probably be abandoned.

Dr Jim may remember this Tie Siding sight.

Pissing Contest

A fight to rename Wyoming’s Devils Tower to something else.

Not so fast

An example of woke bureaucratic mind set.

The committee urges Haaland to "take action" to rename Devils Tower as Bear Lodge, suggesting she has unilateral authority to do so. The recommendation claims the Secretary of the Interior can rename a geographic feature if the U.S. Board of Geographic Names "does not act within a reasonable time" when a proposal is submitted.

Small problem. Way back Wyoming carved an exception. Nothing can change without Congressional approval.

Local Politics

Lauren Bobert wins her Primary race. Sister Kink goes down in flames.

Ms. Bobert switched Congressional Districts and handily won the Primary over five other (entrenched Republicans). The Donkey winner is a certified leftist. The District has been a Republican seat for the past 5+ elections. Since Uniparty Ken Buck resigned early, a place keeper was elected to serve out his term.

Sister Kink only drew about 1/3rd of the vote. I doubt she will just fade away.

The winner, Perry Buck, is an entrenched Republican. That said, she is a decent person.

As always, YMMV