Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Carefree Colorful Colorado


Be Afraid, Very Afraid

Colorado Highway 550 (Million Dollar Highway)


Going off the edge is just one possibility. Beware of loose gravel.

Evil Potential or Life Enhancement?


mRNA vaccines showed the potential for evil manipulation during the COVID sham/scam. Along comes an aerosol way to administer them. Call me paranoid (guilty). This has the potential to introduce mRNA to large numbers of unsuspecting people with out their consent

Dark Money

Sisty made a comment during Sunday brunch regarding the billion dollars spent on advertising this past campaign cycle. How much good would be achieved if that money was spent on social needs?

 We avoid talking politics as a rule. I had expressed my disgust with all the paid by dark money PACs smearing decent people who have the courage to run for public office, specifically the two candidates for CO 8th Congressional seat.

That was something our little group agreed upon.

As Always, YMMV


drjim said...

Looks like awful big "gravel" there, WSF.

You're not being any more paranoid than I am. The elites really do want us dead and gone.

It was like the left crying about all the money spent to get to the Moon. But if you bring this up to them, you'll get the usual :Oh, but that's different!....

Well Seasoned Fool said...

A few years ago in SW CO a huge rock fell on the highway. Someone with a sense of humor put a "loose gravel" sign on the road. The picture wet viral.

Just being paranoid doesn't mean you shouldn't.

Sisty, sarcastically, said all those "donors" were altruistic.

Old NFO said...

Dark money needs to go AWAY!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

There is that pesky 1st Amendment to consider. Would it be possible to require public disclosure of PAC donors?

LSP said...

My dear WSF, you have every right to feel frightened in the face of these satans.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

just keep them behind me.

jeff d said...

Stay hot and get plenty of rest WSF. Weather whipsaw does not help. Wish you the best.