OLD AGE AND TREACHERY WILL OVERCOME YOUTH AND SKILL. And on the eighth day God said, "Okay, Murphy, you're in charge!" Anonymous comments will not be posted.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Boo Hoo Hoo
The Wuhan Flu fallout hits me. The $25 per visit walk in
chiropractor has been shut down by the
state, and my right shoulder is out of alignment. I usually visit monthly. The
shoulder is interfering with my sleep.
Social Distancing at
the Post Office
On the positive side, you can’t tell how unprepared and dumb
some patrons are, on a good day, when you are six feet behind them.
The Coven
Still meeting but now use three tables and keep to the 6’
distance rule.
Earliest I remember seeing virga. During the summer there
will be bands east of the mountains where the rain shadow ends. In a light
airplane you can experience a few “interesting” minutes.
We probably have virga year around and I don’t notice it.
Stay at Home
Coming east on Highway 34 (four
lanes) from Longmont at 4 p.m. the traffic was sparse. A 65 mph speed limit
limited access road, the usual speed at the time of day is down to 40-45 bumper
to bumper. A car wash, one $13 monthly fee unlimited washes, I use had no one.
There usually is a 6-8 vehicle line waiting to go in.
That is me! I go where I want, when I want. Comically, my
little part time gig is considered part of essential industry so I’m legal!
(letter of the law; certainly not the spirit).
If It Bleeds, It
That is the media. Hasn’t it always been that way? These
must be halcyon days for the media. Breathless reporting, opportunity to criticize
the Trump Administration (from a sanctimonious perch), and in a fluid situation
that makes fact checking difficult. They seem to be falling all over each other
congratulating themselves.
As my late mother would say, “Don’t break your arm patting
yourself on the back”.
UPDATE: Shit, the Sombrero Horse Drive is cancelled.
UPDATE: Shit, the Sombrero Horse Drive is cancelled.
The 61st annual Great American Horse Drive has been cancelled for 2020. Sombrero Ranches will running this important Moffat County event again in 2021.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Rambling Thoughts
Good News
Always up for a bit of good news. Gas price war! It seems to be just in our
little city as prices are higher in surrounding areas and much higher in
Not Good News
On the darker side, Weld County, where I live, is the 20th
largest oil and natural gas producer in the USA. Between the climate change
idiots led by our (P)regressive governor, and the world wide turmoil in the
energy market, we may see some serious employment problems soon.
This will probably mean an uptick in my delivery of mortgage
dunning letters. I like the money but don’t relish the pain of my neighbors.
People Coping?
I needed to pick up my Metforman prescription. Two drive up
lanes at the drug store had six or more vehicles in line. Parked, went inside, and
was the only customer at the inside counter. The store had tape laid down on
the floor six feet apart in all aisles. Social distancing?
Noticeable Impact
The stay at home order by the Governor seems to have cut
down on traffic. My work is considered “essential” financial activity so I’m
not affected. I do make sure I have my work briefcase with me at all times.
My middle son works in a factory that makes medical
equipment components so he hasn’t missed work. His employer gave all employees
a “note” to show police.
My oldest son, a 49 years old high functioning autistic man,
lives in Seattle. He is having a difficult time with the isolation. I recently
got him a better smart phone that he uses to email me, frequently. You never
stop being a parent.
Out My Front Door
From my three years as a medical courier I have an ample
supply of hand sanitizer. I’ve gone back to the routines I used on that job,
and wear cotton gloves. I have some twelve pairs of cheap brown cotton gloves
(a year ago Harbor Freight had a special). Each evening the day’s gloves go
into the wash.
Dog Life
We are now closing in on five months together, Banner the
dog and myself. He does chase away any tedium in my life. We start each morning
with a five to ten minute wrestling session which always puts a smile on my
face. Then it is the walk around the building while he takes care of dog
business. Next stop is the commons room to meet up with the “treat” lady (she
who is the leader of the Coven). After that, it is on to the elevator, our
hall, and then the apartment and breakfast! After that I’m allowed my first cup
of coffee for the day.
Do we ever change from our “raising”? I was raised to take
care of the livestock before I took care of myself.
Our ongoing adventure involves his interaction with the
other residents. This is a 90 unit building of 65+ seniors. Most are very poor
and receive subsidized rent. I’m one of maybe twelve who pay “full sticker”.
Many are sick – lots of wheelchairs and walkers are seen. Many are withdrawn
and profoundly depressed. Along comes Banner and you see smiles. He gets
petted, a lot. Even a hardened cynic like me finds it uplifting. My sister
calls him a therapy dog, and says I’m the one who gets the most therapy. She
may be correct.
Because of him I interact with the other residents much more
than I did before I got him.
It isn’t all smooth sailing. Most of the dogs in the
building are yappy little ankle biters, and most don’t like him. He is such a
wuss – hides behind me as they yap at him.
He rarely barks, doesn’t chew on anything in the apartment,
and has never had an “accident”. He does snore!
Weather permitting I take a mile walk each day with him. The
walk is for my benefit as I continue to drop 5-10 pounds a month. Two to three
times a week I take him to the dog park. He knows the route and starts getting
excited when he sees the direction we are going.
He came from a house with two other dogs that kept attacking
him. The family decided he was easier to adopt than the other two dogs. She had
him for seven years, from the time he was a pup, and I’m sure giving him up was
difficult. We exchange emails about once a month.
I tell others I feel I’ve won the dog lottery.
Life’s Shit
A friend is going through a family shit storm. One sister is
in a hospice with Stage 4 cancer. Her alcoholic brother is soon to be in the
hospital. Suffering from dementia, among other problems, he is rapidly losing
weight. The weight of dealing with the VA, the insurance companies, etc. falls
on her. She is a strong woman with her own serious health issues. Another
sister refuses to become involved with anything involving her siblings.
From me she gets hugs
(forget social distancing), and an ear when she needs one.
Tis a Privilege To
Live in Colorado
On clear mornings I see this as I take the dog out for his
dog business. Never fails to raise my spirits.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Signs of Spring
In the years of off and on living in the Colorado Rockies,
the arrival of Red Wing Blackbirds
always was my clue Spring was at hand. True, we might get more
snowstorms and even a nasty blizzard, but the birds always made me feel
This morning on my morning walk with Mr. Nose & Appetite,
the nearby wetland has the early arrival birds. Roosting on the cattails, they
are signing away. Made me smile.
Colorado has gone to “stay at home” and lots of people are
out walking. Knock on wood, none of my close
family, in four different states; have come down with the virus.
Perverse humor. The State Lottery Claims Offices are closed
until April 21st, for now. Imagine, winning big on the lottery and
not being able to get the money! I’m a $10 per week gambler. Yes, yes, I’m bad
at math!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Kung Flu Responses
The way individuals respond to this Wuhan Virus says a lot
about them as people,
A man I’m proud to call a friend is a very successful used
truck dealer. I’ve known him for years and he may be the most ethical man I
personally know in the business.
He is being shut down for the time being, and posted this on
his Facebook page.
We were serve a
warning that our Business DYEAUTOS will be closing starting tomorrow, be cause
of this terrible virus we are happy to comply to protect our employees and
ourselves !! So Today on any vehicle purchased today ! I will send you a
Personal Check for $500. On any vehicle in our inventory ! No strings no
conditions ! The deal must be completed cash or Finance! You-make your best
deal at my Dealership !! This check will be a personal check to help you threw
this pandemic ! Stay safe !! DyeAutos in Wheatridge Colo 80023 phone
303-286-1665 please share ! 
You may notice he isn’t the most accomplished writer. In
fact, he was a Denver juvenile delinquent high school dropout when he joined
the Marine Corps. He credits the Corps
for correcting his ways, and giving him the personal tools to be successful.
When he says it will be a personal check he means it. The
funds won’t be coming out of the dealership nor will he scheme to make it a tax
In a business deal, I would rather have Dave’s handshake than
any lawyer blessed notarized contract.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Plan B
Michael Bloomberg failed to buy the Democratic nomination
for President. That was Plan A.
Plan B is to buy the V.P. spot, and he has made an $18
million down payment.
Assume for a moment Sleepy Joe is the nominee and somehow
wins. He dies in office. Toad’s Plan B works to perfection.
He becomes the 47th President of our country.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
This Is Getting Serious
The Coven is no longer gathering for morning coffee. Banner
is upset. His morning loving and treats are missing!
There were two main morning social groups, the Coven in the
commons area and the anti-coven in the lobby. Both are on pause.
The afternoon gatherings are gone. One group gathered for
board games. Another was a bible study group. We also have avid jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts.
Banner and I are passerby friends with all the groups but a
member of none.
All of this was spurred by a second hand report that some
resident may, just may, have come in contact with someone who may have been in
contact with someone being “tested” for the Wuhan Virus.
We have 90 units and, with the exception of the in house
maintenance man (no spring chicken) everyone is 65+. Many have serious health
issues. Mobile oxygen generators and wheelchairs are common sights.
Maybe an over abundance of caution is warranted but Banner
doesn’t understand!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
First Day Of Spring
First day of spring and the forecasted blizzard has arrived
just one hour later than the weather guessers’ forecasted. Yesterday was sunny
with 68°.
One good thing about being “retired” is I’m not out driving
in this shit to make a living. I did that for too many miles and too many
Now I tell my clients, politely, they don’t pay enough for
me to risk life, limb, and my personal vehicle driving in bad weather. They
grumble, but live with my position (for now).
In a few days it will look like this again.
We will probably have one or more storms before mid April.
These wet spring storms are good for ground water and the aquifer.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
100% Revolver
There are as many opinions on the “best” handgun as there
are owners. To each his own, say I.
When selecting a handgun for my personal defense, I took a
hard look at my capabilities and most likely scenarios that I would employ one
in self defense.
Reality. I’m 75, with macular degeneration in my right eye.
While right handed, I’ve become left eye dominant. My hand strength has
diminished and my fine motor skills have deteriorated.
The most likely scenarios where I will need a handgun are
twofold. First, I spend a fair amount of time in the boonies with large
wildlife encounters a possibility. Along with that, in open range country,
meeting a domestic bull is a possibility.
Second, self defense against humans. I’m well past the age of
charging to the sound of gunfire, and firefights. More likely, I face being mugged;
car jacked, or face a home invasion. Those encounters will be intense but short
lived. The stress level will be high and I don’t want to be fooling with
magazines, safeties, etc. With the Bulldog it is only necessary to pull the
bang switch.
For many years I’ve carried a Charter Arms Bulldog .44
Special. Many, many boxes of shells have gone down range from that revolver. I
have had zero, repeat zero, times when I pulled the trigger and it didn’t go, “bang”.
Even with some rounds that were weak a bullet still left the barrel. I’ve had a gunsmith add a rear peep sight to
somewhat compensate for the macular degeneration. The trigger pull has been
When I practice my goal is all five rounds into a kill zone
at 20’. That I can still accomplish.
For backup, and last resort, I have a North American Arms 5
shot .22 Mag. Currently on loan to a family member.
In the past I’ve owned semi autos. A Star 9mm Browning copy,
a Walther PPK .380, and a military surplus 1911. I’m just not a big handgun
guy. Long arms? Much different story. I
grew up in a subsistence hunting home, shot competitively growing up (NRA Jr Rifleman)
and spent far more money at the Rod and Gun Club than bars while in the Army.
As an aside, I despise M-14s. Give me an M-1, even a shot to shit
basic training issue, anytime.
You have a different opinion? Bless you! We all have our own
road to travel. I will suggest you spend time analyzing your own individual
abilities and likely needs.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Chinese Flu
Several sources make a point about the limited number of respirators
available for pneumonia cases. My medical knowledge barely extends beyond first
aid so this may be a silly question. Can a CPAP be pressed into service? There
are many in the hands of citizens. I alone have five, and am willing to donate
some if they can be of use.
Kind Gesture
Walking to my car from the Safeway store this morning a
woman passed me with a rather full cart.
“Do you need any paper towels,” she asked me. “I bought the
last ones and will give you one if you need it”.
What a kind gesture! After thanking her, I explained I have
enough on hand at home.
Health Impact Beyond
Chinese Flu
Routine medical procedures are being postponed/cancelled. A
neighbor was scheduled to have eye surgery Thursday. That has been cancelled.
The number of postponements will probably run into the millions.
Paper Towels
Have a case of blue paper towels from the Auto Parts Store
in my trunk. Might be an alternative source for you who need paper towels.
My sister does insurance adjusting for our city. She had an
interesting discussion with a couple of city officials about what will happen
as people start flushing paper products that don’t decompose.
Interesting Times
As I put as a comment on a blog, the Chinese have given the
whole world an “Interesting Times” curse. Who knows what unforeseen challenges lay
Am I the only one who sees similarities between our current
situation and the aftermath of 9/11?
Heard the Dutch have closed the Amsterdam Red Light District!
Monday, March 16, 2020
Perfect Storm
Our local Safeway stores (owned by Albertsons) have been undergoing
remodeling while remaining open. Empty shelves were common while everything was
being re-positioned. Then the Wuhan Virus panicked buying hit.
There was no way I was going to any store this past weekend,
but went into my local Safeway this morning. Chaos at 1030 hours!
Three checkers open with four to five shoppers in line for
checkout. Eight self service checkouts with lines stretching back into the
aisles. There were empty shelves everywhere. Some were from the remodel, true,
but which?
After using the self service machine for my lottery tickets
(yes, I know. A tax on those bad at math) in the front of the store, I left.
Those Safeway employees are entitled to combat pay, IMO.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Adapt and Thrive
Seeing pictures of mobs panic buying took me down memory
road to 1953 when my father was the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Section
Foreman at East Portal, CO., responsible for the tracks in the Moffat Tunnel.
Isolated, at 9,200’ ASL, the hamlet of East Portal was
home to around 30 souls.
Most of the men were control room operators. The control
room was staffed 24/7/365. After a train entered the tunnel, from either end, a
canvas curtain came down over the opening and huge fans blew air the entire 6.2
miles of the tunnel. As an eastbound train approached the east portal, the
curtain was raised.
The other men were
the section crew.
The nearest supermarket was 42 miles away in Arvada, CO.,
assuming the road past Rollinsville was open and the state highway was plowed.
The town, other than the railroad, was often isolated for weeks in the winter.
Flatbed pickups were owned by some residents and shopping
expeditions to Arvada were organized. The store manager loved seeing the mob
arrive. After all the purchases were made, a flat bed pickup would be backed up
to the entrance and loaded.
Dry mix milk was a staple as was powdered eggs. Most
residents had chest type freezers. It was simple adaptation to the needs.
Adult recreation was Saturday night at the Rollinsville
Stage Stop. Local musicians would play and adults would dance. No television
reception was available.
We kids attended a one room school. Recreation was what
we could make for ourselves. I fished and roamed the hills with my dogs.
Most people don’t realize how well they can adapt and
thrive when faced with challenges, IMO. Root hog or die brings out traits they
didn’t realize they had. We will survive the current hysteria and be stronger
as a country when it subsides.
Wuhan Virus
A Facebook Page I read, Kiss My American Ass, had this up
Pay attention folks, there's much more going on
here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee(Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all the sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it(Coronavirus)originated in China who we are in a global trade war with brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The coronavirus gave them one last hail mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population.
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee(Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all the sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it(Coronavirus)originated in China who we are in a global trade war with brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The coronavirus gave them one last hail mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population.
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me.
Food for thought.
Enough for now. The dog wants to go for a walk and I need
to do my daily mile.
Friday, March 13, 2020
What Say You?
Russian Collusion
Finally, proof of Russian collusion with the Trump Administration!
Seems the bankrupt Russian airline never took delivery,
leaving Boeing with a couple of white tails. But Russian, Russian, Russian!!!!
It is possible Air Force One is a step down for President
Trump from his personal 757?
While I’ve never stopped working, I now work when I want. I
don’t want to work in this.
I’ve been a licensed driver now for nearly 62 years and have
driven in nearly every kind of weather (and volcanic dust). Now, if I don’t
want, I don’t!
WSF, Song Writer
Back a few years, one of my sons challenged me to write a
“blues” song. Recently, cleaning out stuff on the computer, I came across it.
Soldier Blue
Woke up this morning
my bunk out in the
Snored so loud last night
no one could get to
Went to the barracks door
and no one would
let me in.
Cold and wet and shaking
that’s how my day
Yeah I got them soldier blues,
I was drafted off
the street.
From beer and women and cars
to wearing out my
Someday I’ll lose the blues
when I get home for
I’ll whip ol’ Jody’s ass
And start living
like I should.
Yes, I know – don’t quit my day job.
My music ability is nill and I learned that at an early age.
Christmas pageant, 2nd grade in the choir, I was singing my little
heart out. Suddenly, I was a Sheppard.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Well Shucky Darn
Past trips in the Nebraska Panhandle have been time driven
and places I would like to visit were passed by. Yesterday my business in the
area was handled when I wanted.
Chimney Rock was a major landmark along the Oregon Trail. My
visit? See photo.
Oh well, dropped down to Bridgeport and then west on Hwy 88
to visit Courthouse and Jail Rocks.
Yep, the road up to them is closed.
Strange day in terms of wildlife, as in none except for a
one coyote at a dead run. Dropping down Hwy 85 from Cheyenne I did see a few
Pronghorn a few miles into Colorado.
My business was contacting an individual far behind on his
mortgage. Cute, he had a wrong address painted on his mailbox. Called up
overhead pictures on Google and MapQuest, matched with what I was seeing, and
knocked on the door. He was not pleased to see me. Big surprise, there!
Concluded my business and left with him holding the documents I was paid to
If there is a typical call in my biz, this was it. Large
brick home, attached two car garage plus outbuildings showing neglect. Unkempt
yard, broken window in the garage, torn screen and what appeared to be one
garage door off tracks. In the driveway were a newish Dodge Megacab 4x4 and two
year old GMC Yukon.
As a man who has always tried to live below his means, I
have no sympathy for people who make these economic decisions.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Interesting Times
Ancient Chinese curse? Applicable today?
Our (P)regressive Governor is embracing the crisis (coronavirus).
What is the real risk? Who knows? Suspicious minds remember Rahl Emanuel.
There is little doubt the economic impact will disturb the
status quo. What directions? Way smarter people than me are working on that.
The energy market has a more immediate impact. The county I
live in is the 20th largest petroleum producer in the USA and around
75% of Colorado’s output.
The (P)regressives are attacking the industry on many
fronts. They don’t seem to understand where the bulk of Colorado taxes,
directly or indirectly, come from.
Please excuse listing this ad blocker leftist rag.
Colorado is unique in having the TABOR Amendment which
forces the legislature to balance the budget. Simplistic explanation, read more
The (P)regressives hate TABOR and try to circumvent it with “fees”.
Keeps the courts and lawyers busy.
What the (P)regressives fail to grasp is their Utopian
schemes can’t be funded solely by raising taxes and “fees”. No energy sector
tax revenue? That will collapse local and state government. While painful in
the short term, there may be a long term benefit.
On a purely personal level, the good economy means fewer
people in default of their mortgages and less fee only work for me contacting
them on behalf of the mortgage companies.
Just how strong is the economy? In my area, and a business I
know well, many small used car lots are closing, or have already closed. I
suspect it is a generational issue more than economic. The principals are
reaching retirement, and their children aren’t interested in the business. 60+
hour work weeks don’t appeal to them.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Strong Self Esteem
Woman, 40’s, coming out of the liquor store with a case of
beer. She was wearing a flannel shirt, a give me cap, and Wranglers with a snuff can outline on her hip.
To swipe from a song, I don’t think she gives a rip what people
might think about her.
I admire people like her.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Colorado Politics Rant
A rambling rant about the state of Colorado Politics –
probably pointless. May bore non residents. So why am I cluttering up the
internet with this? Because I can! You don’t have to read it.
I live in Congressional District 4, represented by Ken Buck (R)
, a Weld County resident. A former prosecutor, he is basically a conservative.
As a human being, the jury is out, IMO. Opposes gun control.
Our junior Senator, up for his first re-election, is Cory
Gardner (R), from Yuma, CO. Yuma is on the Eastern Plains where his father was
a farm equipment dealer. He is back in Colorado a lot, and in all corners of
the state. He was, repeat was, a Never Trump member. Seems he has changed.
Last election the state went deep blue. The Boulder idiots
and fellow travelers want to shut down the energy sector and are not too
favorable towards animal husbandry and agriculture. Smart? Yeah, kill off what
produces most of the taxes for the state government.
They control both houses but the Senate has enough
Republicans to deny a quorum if they stay away. A historical tactic used by
both parties in many states (Texas, Oregon for example), the Donkeys scream.
Priorities? Once again highway funding isn’t happening as too many idiot green
fantasies occupy the limited time. Other, little things, they can’t be bothered
with. Prisons, for example (other than closing private ones). More prisoners
have died riding in dilapidated, worn out, prison busses than have died from
capitol punishment.
Our senior Senator, Michael Bennett (D) was appointed to his
seat then won his first election. A carpetbagger, he is from entrenched East
Coast elites and may be a sleeper candidate for the Democratic V.P. ticket. His
presidential effort failed but gave him an opportunity to rub shoulders and
make contact with Democrat insiders. A bland, coreless man, he does little to
offend anyone. Along that line, he does little to help Colorado other than
riding the coattails of our Junior Senator. In Washington, he votes the way he
is told to vote.
His most noteworthy accomplishment was nearly bankrupting
the Denver School system when he ran it with risky stock market buys with the Districts’
reserves. His brother, James, is editor of the New York Times.
Colorado breaks down, politically, into three geographic
areas. First, the Front Range (Denver, Boulder and extended urban areas), excluding
Colorado Springs, but including Pueblo – basically the I-25 corridor.
Second, is the ski bum trust fund corridor from Steamboat
Springs to Pagosa Springs including Aspen, Breckenridge, and points in between.
The area along the West side of the Continental Divide extending maybe fifty
miles westward covers most of it.
Third, the mainly rural areas and my county, Weld, that is
20th in the USA in petroleum production.
The discontent of the rural areas is high. Not unique to
Colorado, that can be said for much of the nation. We have had a 51st
state movement. Currently, we have the Weld County, WY effort. How much
traction it will gain as they target the 2022 election cycle remains to be
seen. Thinly populated, the counties along the I-76 corridor would be candidates.
Is Wyoming interested?
My ties to Colorado can be serviced from Wyoming, and I
continue to plot a COLOEXIT.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Wouldn't Happen Today
A picture from an earlier time (around 1958) of a truck load
of my cousins having a fun ride. Somehow all of them grew to adulthood.
I was off somewhere working, as usual.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Tribulations of Indie Authors
Indie authors face enough challenges without this.
My talent doesn’t extend to serious writing but some who
read this blog are talented writers.
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