Monday, June 8, 2020

The WSF Political Pie Theory

Back in the day when I was a Precinct Committeeman, I developed a small speech on the difference between Democrats and Republicans, somewhat as follows.

“Think of the USA economy as a pie. The Republicans are terribly concerned as to how the pie is divide; who gets what, etc. The Democrat’s first concern? Make sure there is a pie”.

Like many, I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the party left me. It bothers me greatly to vote for someone with an (R) after their name. To me, it is the least of two evils. I’m still voting for evil.
(Exception: I was pleased to vote for President Trump, who, two decades ago would be a fine mainstream Democrat)

The (P)regressive pie is vastly different. Many are required to provide ingredients’, but not partake. If they do partake, it will be a sliver. Many get the lion’s share of the pie without providing any ingredients.

As always, YMMV.


Fredd said...

I recall the good ol' days when Democrats were somewhat reasonable. Hubert Humphrey, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and even JFK: all of these guys would be considered Republicans today.

The mainstream Democrats are all Marxists now. And more than a few RINO Republicans.

A pox on them all.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

A pox on all them? You are too kind. Make them work the Congo cobalt mines for the Chicoms.

Old NFO said...

Excellent points!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you.

Fredd said...

Fool: when I pox something, it stays poxed. Then again, I kind of like your cobalt mine thing.

Well Seasoned Fool said...
