Sunday, June 21, 2020


News today of a man I worked with for several years is back in jail. After serving several years in prison, he was released on parole/probation (I’m unclear about which). Per my source, he is going back to prison for a long time.

Personally, I have always thought he is a piece of shit. He is part of a family I know well, having worked in the family owned business for many years.

A narcissist and an alcoholic/drug abuser with a violent temper, he always sees himself as a victim. Never did I know him to accept responsibility for his actions. He was smart enough not to try me on, more the pity.

Once again the mother of his son will be without child support and his son without a father, even a mostly absent father.

My staunch rule, when you work in a family owned business, stay out of the family’s business, was often tested. I didn’t want to be, “Uncle Frank”. His youngest brother was under my tutelage for a few years and has become a fine father and asset wherever he works after going the AA route.

This family, for all their dysfunction, is people I care about. I can’t do, or won’t do, anything but be their friend.

Ain’t life a bitch sometimes?


LL said...

I don't know whether I'm sorry that he's gone based on your account.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm glad he is gone. My compassion, such as it is, is for the rest of the family (mother, step father, step mother, two sisters, three brothers, and a young son).

Greybeard said...

Some people just think differently.
They are incapable of seeing the action/consequences equation.
And that's why we have Law Enforcement.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You are totally correct.