Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Car Biz Fun and Games

A friend posted this on his Facebook Page today.

Well some or most have viewed the Video that my son Scott posted ! Today this man and his dog came into our dealership! Requesting to Drive Corvette on consignment from a previous Customer !who had requested no test drive in his vehicle he did not want joy Riders ! Tearing up his vehicle ! When I explain this to this person he exploded ! Draw a 2’ serrated knife and attempted to kill me ! I deflected him but still had To have 8 Stitches in my throat ! when I say you’re within 1 inch of your life? I had to thank God for my staff who came to my rescue! We called 911 now four large strong men were trying to subdue this man ! He was on the floor struggling with his legs open trying to kill them ! I stomped this man in the growing four times as hard as I could stomp ! Nothing! Some of his head was out and trying to get up ! I stomped him in the head 7-8 times trying to knock him out ! No effect ! Soon ! Very possibly the best police officers arrived it took five large officers in a struggle to cuff this man ! Im here to tell you he was treated with total respect ! All officers were concerned with myself and my employees , they insisted we get treated ! My thanks to the men and women of the Wheatridge police Department ! And Arvada fire department and they’re great ! Their care and concern for our safety and well-being,great Job could not of had a better experience with the Men and Women of the Wheatridge Police Department ! Thank for saving a life today

This man credits the Marines for his success. A teenage juvenile delinquent (talking old school here), he did a couple of hitches including Vietnam and came out a changed man.

You will notice his grammar and spelling reflect his youth and schooling. I doubt he much cares.

He is extremely successful, has a beautiful wife,  lovely home, successful children and lots of toys. Both he and his wife work their butts off every day.

He is one of the few men I will do business with on a handshake. His personal opinion of me is something I treasure.

Just to be clear, he is the hardest hard ass you will ever meet. Lives the old Jackie B. Cooper mantra, "Winners do what losers won't".

I'm so happy he is OK except for some cuts. 

This type of incident isn't as uncommon as you might think. Work the business long enough and you will be in a few fusses.


drjim said...

Oh, yeah.....There were times my friends at the Pontiac dealership had to call the police.

Usually somebody with subpar credit, no money down, almost minimum wage job who got really upset when GMAC wouldn't finance him.

Or somebody who'd traded cars four times in one year, and was so far underwater GMAC said "No More!". usually involves money, doesn't it?

LL said...

A rough and tumble business.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You get so you can spot them. Another is someone who comes in demanding you give back money to a friend/child/relative.

Adds spice to your life, mainly.

Ami said...

One more reason people don't like working with the general public?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Yes, but a job is a job.