Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Pal is Lifting

Despite Governor Emperor Polis, and his staff’s best efforts, the citizens are slowly taking, or getting back, their rights and lives. Today was the first day for our local Farmer’s Market.

I was able to buy a gallon of local, unprocessed and unrefined, honey direct from the beekeeper. $45, for those interested.

For the past ten years I’ve been taking a couple of tablespoons of raw honey, usually in coffee, daily. I take a small container with me when I travel. For these ten years, my allergy problem has been about an “8” on a scale of 1-10, one being the worst.

The theory is the bee’s pickup minute amounts of pollen and other plant products which get mixed into the honey they produce. These minute amounts stimulate your immune system. Right or wrong? I don’t know but it works for me.

For the first time this year, yard sales are popping up all over town. While I’m not a big patron of yard sales (having enough crap of my own), it pleases me to see my fellow citizens, tacitly back by local government, taking back their lives.

Emperor Polis has, just this year, issued 92 “D” Executive orders. “A” and “B”, are routine administrative items like appointments to established boards. “C” commute prison sentences (3 this year).

From his website.

Executive orders issued by governors are not statutes like those passed by state legislatures – but executive orders do have the force of law similar to the federal system.

Executive orders are usually based on existing constitutional or statutory powers of the Governor, and do not require any action by the state legislature to take effect.

Net effect? Keeps lawyers, courts, and outraged citizens busy.

My sincere hope is the voters remember all this two years from now when the entire deep blue slate of state offices (Attorney General, Treasurer, etc.) is up for re-election.

What should also qualify for that ballot is an initiative for Weld County to join Wyoming.

Weld Co. Secession Advocate: Wyoming Is What Colorado Was. A Weld CountyColorado man who is working towards a goal of that county leaving Colorado and possibly joining Wyoming says the county doesn't fit in the Colorado of 2020. But he says Wyoming would be a much better fit.Feb 9, 2020

Someone should be asking Wyoming if they even want us.

Interesting chatter among the chattering classes is black support for President Trump, which supposedly is “soaring”. My take? President Trump walks the walk while the Democrats talk the talk. Many people, though they might not personally like him, recognize what he gets done.

As always, YMMV.


LL said...

YES, but the honey must be local for that remedy to work. I've done it myself. It's always good to talk to the bee keepers themselves about the location of the hives, etc.

As to the rest. Throw the bums out.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

This past winter I've been buying from a local, family owned honey business. They buy a lot of their honey from others, but I feel they have integrity.

I was pleased to find this vendor. They have hives with many of the local farmers, mainly alfalfa, and later sugar beets. That is a 4-6 month supply for me.

LSP said...

I'm with LL -- LOCAL honey. Tempting, maybe, to get into the bee thing, but it sounds like a lot of work. Still...

Boot those idiots outta office.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I try to buy local, and buy direct. My friends in "Traditions" have a program whereby you buy one of their calves, they raise it, send it to the local slaughter house/packing operation and you stop by and pick up your cut and wrapped meat. If you have an interest, try contacting your Texas Cattle Women Assc.

Old NFO said...

Throw 'em ALL out... And agree with LL, LOCAL honey is the requirement.

Brig said...

Agree with the immunity from local honey.
My niece in Prineville, Oregon sent two jars of honey to me via her mom. Love it, it's from her own hives.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Too bad we need to wait two years. Still looking at COLOEXIT.

Good for your body and it just tastes better.

Old NFO said...

Don't blame you. But if Weld Co goes, you'll have accomplished COLOEXIT... LOL

Well Seasoned Fool said...

True, but it will drag out past my lifespan.

Sisty said...

I remember our Sainted Demented mother saying that when you were little, she gave you local honey all of the time. It seems that I had a lot of it too. I believe that that and high altitude living gave us both a good and long lasting healthy body. We now must work harder to regain and/or retain that healthy body. Here's to the Bees!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Not to mention all the wild venison and elk meat we ate, our own milk cows and dairy products, and our mother buying direct from farmers/ranchers whenever she could. From time to time we raised our own beef and hogs.