Thursday, September 5, 2019

UP Steam Schedule - Southwest

Just released.

Remember, there is time, Indian time, and UP Steam time. The schedule is what they hope to run. 4014 is old and complicated.


RHT447 said...

When I filmed Challenger back in '09 in Chico, you could monitor the GPS real time on line.

Old NFO said...

Yay! I see a road trip in my future!

drjim said...

You'll LOVE it, NFO!

@WSF - We'll have to see if we can hook up to watch 4014 on her way back up to Cheyenne when she goes through this area.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

There is an app for that - beyond my limited electron molesting skills.

May need to see the grandkids in S.C.

I'm thinking watching her westbound around Harriman 9/27 0900ish. That is a Friday. She won't be coming back eastbound where we saw her with UP 844.