Thursday, September 26, 2019

Comedy of Errors

Reading the local rag, this story contains accounts of several dumb moves by more than one actor.

A jowl shaker.

Mundane stuff otherwise. If stupidity was a crime, we would need more jails.

I admire the men and women who can deal with all this and not lose their minds. I doubt I could ever have been in law enforcement.

Then it gets serious.

Common denominator?  Drugs and alcohol.


LL said...

You'd have been a good police officer, WSF. You have a sense of fairness, a sense of humor, and you don't take yourself too seriously.

Old NFO said...

Damn... Y'all trying to outdo Unalaska???

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Bad temper, short fuse, and don't tolerate fools. During the 60's worked security at sporting events. Tossing out drunks two to three times a month was fun but dealing with them day in and day out?

Most of that is tame by Onalaska standards.

LSP said...

It all sounds suspiciously like where I live... and I'm with you, not an easy job. Mind you, we're heavily policed here.

A few years back I drove to the local supermarket to get a bottle of wine and there were FOUR Tahoes, lights flashing, in the store car park. I slowed down, out of pastoral curiousity, and there was my 65 year old deacon figure being cuffed on the back of her car.

She'd got herself drunk on milk and whiskey(! why that?), did a hit and run on a parked pick up outside the gymn, got called in to the police who live a minute away from the scene of the crime and... there it was.

She was only awarded a $400 fine, being a friend of the judge, but had to resign, being an outta control alchy. Hey, there but by the grace of God.

Forgive the ramble.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

On son had 4 DUIs. Last one it took 6 cops to subdue him. Stone sober now going on three years.