Sunday, September 22, 2019


Yesterday, a day after my son's 44th birthday, I commented on the grey in his beard while helping him with his car. Told him it made me feel old.

Ungrateful wretch just laughed, then pointed out his brother will be 49 next month. Grrr!

Yes, I do know where sympathy falls between in the dictionary.


Coffeypot said...

Children have no respect for us elders. They just keep on having birthdays just to make us feel older. I laugh because their kids will to the same to them.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

There is that to look forward to.

Old NFO said...

LOL, turn about IS fair play, even if we don't like it...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Old age and cunning..............

LSP said...

My boys keep trying to grow beards and it's bloody annoying. Of course they're teenagers and think it makes them look gown up, which it doesn't.

The eldest son will have discovered that over the last month at Ft. Benning, I hope.

LL said...

Gray in your beard is a sign of potential wisdom... ;^)

Sisty said...

I pointed out that WSF should look in the mirror. He was not amused and said something about that was why he stayed clean shaven. He does not age gracefully.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The Army has their ways. I wore a beard for nearly ten years to look older. It worked.

I've a lot of potential.

Since I do everything else so gracefully, I should be excused in one area.