Thursday, November 26, 2020

Rambling Thoughts


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The phrase, "All politics is local" is a common phrase in U.S. politics. The former U.S. Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill coined this phrase which encapsulates the principle that a politician's success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents.

I wonder if he would say the same today?

What hasn’t changed are the local, mundane crimes and the not so bright perpetrators. Consider this gem.

Things the police deal with more than shown on splashy COPS episodes are, I’m told, most of the job.

4:30 p.m.: A caller in the 4000 block of 16th Street Lane found a dead squirrel in his rosebush and didn’t want to touch it. He was told to use a shovel and throw it away.

Self defense, and defense of others, occurs frequently. Probably not high drama television fare mainly, as this case demonstrates.

 From a small city in the bluest county in Colorado (Boulder).

Tyranny can be writ small, as well as large. Weld County commissioners have told Emperor Polis they will not comply with his latest “Executive Order”. He may be after some sort of record. In office under two years and has issued over 250 orders.

For all the ugliness we see, we also see good people doing kind things. A neighbor down the hall brought Banner their turkey gizzard and liver. He disposed of them in three gulps.

0600 tomorrow starts a two day 600 mile business road trip. Commenting will be sparse until Sunday.


drjim said...

Have a safe trip!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you.

Greybeard said...

I hope whatever highway you need to travel remains open.
I was surprised to see the gate that could be used to close Interstate 70 when last we drove to Denver.
Weather always has a card to play, doesn't it?

It' said...

There is always dark and light, bad and good.

I cooked the gizzard and liver for our dog, which she savored instead of gulped, rather a bit of a surprise!

Brig said...

Safe journey.

drjim said...

@Greybeard - I had to explain to my wife what those gates were for the first time we came here. She was born in Iowa, but grew up in Long Beach, and barely remembered snow.

Old NFO said...

Travel safe!

LSP said...

Drive safe, glad Banner got a Thanksgiving treat.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thanks to all for the good wishes. We are back safe and sound. Weather was perfect and the trip drama free from a driving point of view. As usual, not every debtor was pleased to have me ringing their doorbell. Oh well.