Sunday, November 1, 2020

Dry Run


Decided on some range time today, forgetting it was Sunday, and being retired means almost any day can be range day. A very nice public range is a 32 mile drive from my apartment. When I arrived, this was the scene. I left. I don’t like being around strangers wielding dangerous implements.

Some people were taking another option.

My choice was to not join them. While a scofflaw, there is a time and place. That isn’t a sunny day with visibility 50+ miles.

 Another reason is not  being around idiots.

Not all was lost as any visit to the Pawnee Grasslands soothes my mind.

Banner enjoyed the outing and is unfazed by gunfire. We will return sometime soon, during the middle of the week.


drjim said...

We go to the indoor range East of town on 14. Nice people, clean place! I keep telling myself I should go out to the grasslands to see them. You're really out on the High Plains, and the sky must be "BIG".

Old NFO said...

Yep, let the Rambo Jrs. get back to real life. THEN go and enjoy the quiet of a range.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

SLW will find them bleak. So much history and human endurance. The Great Depression along with drought destroyed hundreds of dreams. Interesting read of someone who understands the prairie ecosystem is Naval Air Cowman. You can find him on my sidebar.

The only firearm restriction I will support is a requirement to pass a safety course. Real courage is being a NRA Instructor.

drjim said...

Shaun's on my sidebar, too. Love reading him, and the videos are great. VERY few sheeple in The Big Cities have even the vaguest notion of where their food comes from.

I wasn't a Rural Kid, but I knew plenty from grade school, high-school, community college, and my hot rod activities. And I respected them and their families for what they did.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The Overland Trails Museum in Sterling has an outstanding presentation of homesteading life on the High Plains. Just off I-76. The wing devoted to rural electrification in particular impressed me.

LSP said...

I don't blame you for leaving, though I'd probably have stayed and blasted away. But, to be honest, I don't much like public ranges. Much better when it's just you, the country and the guns, sort of thing.

Wisdom from NFO!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

There are places I can go but I prefer the anonymity of the public range.