Wednesday, April 10, 2019


The Greeley Grief Center is a community resource my niece, sister, and my sister’s numerous adopted daughters have encouraged me to use. My niece threatened grievous bodily harm if I didn’t.

I’ve started the process. It consists of six monthly classes each centered around a particular aspect of the grieving process. The first one I’ve attended is titled, “You Are Not Going Crazy”. The moderator is a pastor who spent many years working in hospices. This is a classroom setting.

A second part is a weekly semi formal meeting, chairs arranged in a circle, with each participant speaking about their particular situation. The experiences I heard others speak ranged from unexpected (heart, stroke), lingering  (Lou Gehrig disease), suicides, and accidents. No young child deaths in this group. Several participants spoke about having the make the, “pull the plug” decision when no DNR was in place.

Do I need this? Don’t think so but it does no harm. People who care about me think I do need this. On the offhand chance they are right, I’ll continue the process.

What I do need to do is get my own affairs in order. I’ve done this in the past but it is time for a review and update.

Now it is time to prepare for an April blizzard on the horizon due late this afternoon. I remember one when I was in sixth grade that filled the roads bank to bank and it was days before we could travel anywhere.


Ami said...

One thing about support groups is that you never know when something you say or your way of looking at the situation can be a help or a boost for another person.

Your presence can be good for other people, too.

I suppose that applies in many situations, not just this one.
One never knows when they'll be an inspiration or a support or an example for another.

Anonymous said...

I am proud that my Brudder is following this path. I know for myself that I have unresolved grief issues and being part of Community Grief Center has helped. It is never to late to seek help and healing.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Hmmm. Your daughter's threats had nothing to with it?

Anonymous said...

Not at all

Coffeypot said...

As you said, it can't hurt. All you would lose is time. But I think you will get something out of it or, as said above, you may help someone else, now or later in their life. And it is a great idea to have you shit together in case you become one of the group topics. I have all my insurance, will, declaration of authority parers, etc in one envelope, and those who need to know, knows where it is. Otherwise, grab a beer and watch the snow roll in.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Yeah, the positives outweigh the negatives. All my papers (that need to be updated) are in a waterproof pouch in the refrigerator freezer compartment. Seems that is the place they are most likely to survive a house fire.

Old NFO said...

Nothing wrong with attending. Maybe it helps you or you help someone else. Hang in there!

Brig said...

I agree with Old NFO.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Old NFO, Brig
Keeping an open mind. An old dog can learn new tricks.