The Lightbringer, in addition to transparency, promised to attack waste and fraud. One of his speeches highlighted the issue.
Tedious to wade through, I assure you, but if the lying crook directed the agencies under his control to accomplish a fraction of what he promised, we would see some help for our economic crises. How much? Try $23.7 billion in 2007 alone.
How about the Defense Department? Billions upon billions.
John McCain, has said we can’t, won’t, and don’t, attack fraud and waste. Bloviating Zeppelin posted one McCain’s speeches where McCain says as much, about 2 minutes into his speech.
May be the only honest thing he has said in years.
Medicare and Medicaid fraud has been documented and exposed over and over. Why is nothing done? Like wise the Defense Department. Yes, I understand $800 toilet seats are a way of funding “black” programs.
May I suggest, campaign contributions? During the Roaring 20’s, the bootleggers paid off the police and judges. Still happens. Want to bet the big operators in the fraud industry are also big campaign contributors?
When the honest men and women in government service raise the issue (Whistleblowers) they get hammered.
Great. The ones thieving from us, payoff the ones who should be looking out for our interests, so all of them can profit.
Term limits, damnit! Vigilantes, anyone?
Well, no vigilante-ism for me thanks, but HELL YES! Term limits, damnit! I have yet to hear a good argument against it. 17 states (I believe) can get the ball rolling...
Term limits, and balanced budget amendment, in a HEARTBEAT!!!
I want my freedom.
Laws are passed to restrict freedoms.
Laws are passed to protect those that cannot protect themselves, but they deny freedoms from everyone.
I want to be able to vote for the guy that will do the job best. Term limits take away that freedom.
But, like drug addicts, we cannot help ourselves and must be FORCED to clean up government, right?
Nope. Give me my freedom.
(And I'm virtually convinced we're beyond the tipping point anyway and our entire system is gonna collapse. Smart folks are storing and preparing. Be a smart folk!)
@ Greybeard. Good points. We have term limits at the state and local level in Colorado. We lose some good people. We get rid a lot more who deserved to go. Term limits breaks up the intrenched, business as usual, corruption.
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