Part of being open minded is listening to opposing opinions.
(Full Disclosure: Functioning heterosexual male still interested in the opposite sex)
The supporters of our current President give themselves away by calling him “Barry”, usually with a soft, fluttery tone, and a fond smile. They have a ready excuse for any and all his shortcomings.
Next election, they will still vote for him and work for his campaign. From where I sit, they will have far fewer Democrats working with them. My ward is home to both a state senator and a state representative, both Democrats. In recent weeks, both have referred to him as, “President Obama”, and, both with stiff upper lips.
I hope the GOP can come up with a worthy candidate. So far, the only one I like is Ron Paul.
In the end, the election will come down to votes, especially Electoral College votes. The Obama machine will carry the big cities, by fair or foul means. Small towns, medium cities, and rural areas must get out in force to counter the fraud. Please, register to vote. Get an absentee ballot if necessary. Consider becoming an election judge. As an alternative, reconcile yourself to four more years of “Barry”.
Well said. Unfortunately, neither party is going to come up with a worthy candidate. A worthy candidate will solve problems, and the parties, whose power structures are among the biggest problems, won't stand for that.
Actually, the one that impresses me the most is Herman Cain! He DOES NOT sugar coat it!
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