My buddy, Dirty Al, is complaining about too many political postings. Due to ongoing statue of limitation restrictions, I can't tell more Dirty Al stories.
A family friend is a gifted writer and poet. He wrote this poem to commemorate the death of my brother-in-law.
Behold a Pale Horse
by Hal Swift
My buddy, Duane Laeger, just took off an' went
without even sayin' a word.
It just isn't like him to mount up an' ride.
You'd think that somebody'd have heard.
Then all of a sudden I hear a wild shout.
I look all around for the source.
An' here comes ol' Duane just a whoopin' it up,
and ridin' a borried pale horse.
It must've been borried because I've not seen
a horse like that here on this spread.
His mane flowed like honey, his tail did the same.
Ol' Duane had just give 'im his head.
Duane rides that there pony for straight where I stood.
He looks like a horse that I knew.
I hollars, "Hey Duane! Where'd you find that there stud?"
An' he says, "You don't, he finds you!"
That's when I knew where I'd once seen this horse.
Old Death had been ridin' him then.
An' that's when Duane hollered, "Be seein' ya, boy!'
And then he rides off on the wind.
I know that pale horse is out grazin' somewhere,
just waitin' for someone to bid.
Then he'll come an' get 'em, an' they'll ride away,
the same as ol' Duane and him did.
And I looked and behold a pale horse;
and his name that sat on him was death.
Revelation 6:8
You can learn more about the poet at
Come to think of it, there are some potential blog posting involving Duane. Will check with my sister.
Good. Very good.
Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for the memory, Brudder!!! Go ahead with your postings. DL would be pleased and amused. Knock your socks off..
Very nice, and on point too!
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