My sister says I think to much during the hours I spend driving. She may be correct. The only time the radio is on is when I get sleepy.
So I got to thinking about Fast and Furious. The “smart” set that thought this one up, continue to pedal along their predetermined path, even when the whole thing is blowing up around them. The impression I get is they think they are so smart and we are so dumb, they can still pull it off. As a possible alternative, they mainly talk to people who already agree with them. Thus, they don’t fathom the problems catching up to them.
Next spurious thought it this cluster fuck may be typical of all the grand schemes the Lightbringer’s accomplices have created. This gives me hope that all their schemes will ultimately fail.
They have, and will continue, to create a lot of pain, debt, waste, and time consumed to fight, stop, then reverse the country’s course but it is doable.
Then again, I probably think too much, and not too clearly.
Nope, I happen to think this is dead on the money... dammit...
You just described most politicians!
@ NFO I want to be wrong!
@ Suz I'm sure you are right; they mainly talk to the people who can fund their campaigns.
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