Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Sky Is Falling

Local rag has an article about an “Energy” company going out of business.

Closer reading reveals oilfield work is a marginal part of their business. The oilfield business is still going strong in Weld County.  Mismanagement and possible criminal managers are the root cause of this company’s failure.

What I find interesting are the snide comments from local citizens who seem to find pleasure in the workers fate and envy of oilfield wages.

What they fail to recognize is the sacrifice of those workers putting in twelve hour shifts plus commute time to make those wages working in an industry that is a 24/7/365 operation in all weather conditions. Further, most of the jobs come with considerable danger.

Car Biz

If a contest were held for the most arrogant asshole car lot owner, the following individual would be in the top 1%.

The glee of those who had dealings with him at this news is understandable.

I never had dealings with him, by choice. Loathed him from the first time I met him and never trusted him. His managers reflected their boss in manners and ethics.

Things That Piss Me Off

I personally don’t care what floats anyone’s boat so long as it involves consenting adults. What pisses me off is spending public money and resources on marginal social issues.

The Dog

He is settling in and I enjoy having him. Turns out he is a wonderful wingman. All the ladies want to pet him which creates opportunities for………..Ah, let’s not go there!

Picking up after him (required) brings up the question, “Which is the clean end of a turd”.


Old NFO said...

Dirty dealers deserve exactly what they get... Re the dog... Neither... Clean up bag over the hand, pick it up, then fold the bag over it...

Sisty said...

Car dealer - I did have dealings with him, selling advertising in a local print used car weekly magazine. His Persian lineage and my Celtic lineage at times butted heads. Not to mention male v female. Our conversations generally ended with him agreeing to my terms. I had a product that he needed and I wasn't willing to budge on the price since that determined my commission. Never did trust him and a couple of women that worked for him that I know, I am so relieved that they didn't get caught up in his nefariousness.

Banner - I am glad to have Banner in our lives. He and WSF are good for each other and he is a good dog. Learning curve for both of them.

Ami said...

I read the article about the car dealer.
" Boroumand began reading scripture in jail, Burron said, which has had a positive affect. The evidence, Burron said, is the more than 100 occasions Boroumand supposedly gave up his supper to another inmate who was struggling.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Noman is not a threat to the community,” Burron said. “I have a daughter and I have a wife, and I would not hesitate to leave them alone with Noman.”"

I think the judge should move the guy in with his 'spiritual advisor' after he gets out. I mean, all that reading scripture has turned his life around.

We have avoided getting another dog, although we both want one. We're waiting for someone to design one that doesn't poop.

drjim said...

Crooked car dealers are a fact of life, just like crooked politicians. Both "professions" seem to attract more than their share of crooked people and fast-buck artists.

Great to hear the dog is settling in. It would have been really lonely here without the dog the last few weeks while the wife was on vacation.

NFO has the answer about picking up after your dog.

Coffeypot said...

Glad Banner is training you. Nothing like having a good dog around. They love you no matter what.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I find one bag for the deposit and one bag as a glove. Then the :glove" into the other bag. Labs put out a large volume.

One of several Persians in the car biz - some of whom were honorable.

My big stick when needed was the threat to send my sister around to "talk" to them.

Man was a "good" follower of Mohammedan until that wasn't convenient. As to the lawyer, birds of a feather.

Man I worked for for many years instructions to me were very clear. "Do it right, do it legal, don't cut corners". Most customers are too fucking lazy to do even a minimum of study before coming to the lot. They get what they earn, IMO. No sympathy from me.

Yeah, I'm getting schooled.

Brig said...

Car dealers are what you let them be. Due diligence is required on the buyers part and if one is too lazy to do that, than it's on you.

Happy to know that Banner has found a forever home, and that you have a good wing man.

LL said...

The oil and gas drilling business is tough. There is a lot of money in play for a large number of overhead items and people crash and burn all of the time, often for circumstances beyond their control. If you can pull it off, you can do well, but nobody ever said that the oil biz was easy.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Due diligence is the key.

Banner=wingman. If there are any residents in the lobby or common areas, we must stop so he can be loved on. That leads to some light flirting.

Winners do what losers won't. Jackie Cooper

Winning, in part, is in the details. Ignore them at your peril.