Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wyoming Crime


Where will people sit to view the Pronghorn races (h/t Sisty)?

Without the fence, the Jackalope will run amok.

Where are all the Dim candidates on this issue?

What is the point of all this, WSF?

None, I just felt like molesting some electrons.


Coffeypot said...

I guess someone needed a new outhouse that would last through the winter.

Ami said...

Jackalope have been running amok for millions of years. That's why unicorns are extinct.

LL said...

Maybe former Vice President Biden could weigh in on the jackalope crisis.

Old NFO said...

Somebody 'redecorating'? That didn't happen overnight... That's a LOT of boards!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Must be a large family.

Jackalopes are survivors from the Pliocene along with Pronghorns.

He would need promoting on what state was involved.

I suspect Nebraska. With all the natural calamities they have recently suffered, they are hurting for money.

Brig said...

Somebody knows where it went...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Wyoming law enforcement is better than most and the story being spread all over social media will generate some leads.