Thursday, February 14, 2019

Build The Wall Already

Thinking about our immigration ”system” or lack thereof and President Trump’s fight to secure the border, the following story in our local rag brought home the issue in local terms.

To me the key point is at the end of the article

Both men will be deported to Mexico upon their release, according to the district attorney's office.

The mayhem these illegals inflict on our country has been pointed out over and over.  Few are here to pick lettuce and apples. If you are so contemptuous of our laws regarding how you get here, are we surprised you are contemptuous of our other laws? Rape, forced prostitution, theft, murder, DUI, no auto insurance, and on and on is no problem for them. They hold us in contempt.

Not all, of course. There are decent human beings just trying to survive. There are also huge sums of money flowing out of the USA to other countries being sent to help family members and/or paying debts to human traffickers. Those are moneys that should stay here, bolstering the economy that generated them.

So the local story is a tiny blip, but one repeated thousands of times over. President Trump is the only one, in a position of power, that seems determined to put an end to it. More power to him. YMMV

Oh, WSF, you have no compassion for those less fortunate. True. Stand up and fight the oppressors in your home country. Freedom isn’t free, and what we have in the USA is possible because enough people fought to make it so. You must be willing to die for it. IMO


Rev. Paul said...

Spot on, so preach on!

Doug Hornby said...

You sir, are correct sir.

Coffeypot said...

Good job and valid points. I keep saying, if you are so brave and can walk on or burn our flags, use that bravery and fight for your own country like we did. And the US needs to STOP subsidizing the illegals. Shoot them instead. Saves the cost of deporting them several times.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Rev. Paul
Thank you.

Doug Hornby
Thanks for stopping by.

Just a tad extreme, there.

Momma Fargo said...

Here here!

Momma Fargo said...

Cheers from the crowd and clashes of the swords! Roars in agreeance!

commoncents said...

Tucker Carlson: There was no Russian collusion! - Video

ps. would you consider adding CC to your blogroll? Thanks!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Momma Fargo
University professor??? Hear, hear, not here, here. Love you anyway and tanks for stopping by.

Lack the computer expertise.