Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Road to Hell

(P)regressives continue to prove the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Seemingly they can ignore reality because their dreams are so powerful reality can be ignored. Such is the case with the $12 minimum wage as put into law in Seattle and elsewhere.

Examples of the negative effects of this dream are everywhere. Been to a chain burger joint lately?

Please allow me to put it into personal terms. My oldest son, now in his late forties, was born autistic. Through a long and torturous journey he ended up some years ago living in a residential mental health facility. He quickly progressed and no longer needed the mental health treatment but was kept on as a renter in another wing and as a dishwasher and kitchen helper, a job he successfully held for years.

The kitchen provided simple meals for all the residents of the facility at a cost the residents could barely afford. Along came the $12 minimum wage and the facility, which has always operated on a shoestring, was forced to close the kitchen.

My son, who is very good at his work, quickly found a job washing dishes in a restaurant just outside the Seattle city limits.

As for the residents of the facility? They are well and truly fucked.

Remember the hippie anthem, Give Peace a Chance? Too many people don’t want peace for that to work.

I do understand the altruistic motivation of (P)regressives. In college, the book by Edward Bellamay, Looking Backwards,

spoke to me. Like so many hope and dreams, the perfectibility of mankind is necessary to achieve them. That tain’t happening, IMO. YMMV

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