Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another Way of Voting

With the recent success of the "Colorado Model" progressive agenda in Colorado, the passage of stupid gun laws, and the stifling of local voices in favor of outsiders, I am done with the Democrat Party and Democrats.

In the past, I've contributed to various candidates resulting in being on  a lot  of email solicitation lists.

As I receive these emails, I "unsubscribe". When I do, a window pops up asking me why I'm unsubscribing. This allows me to tell them exactly what is on my mind. I hope it is more effective than "writing a letter".

Money talks?

Notice to the dead elephant party. I am not ready to go over to the dark side. You keep putting up candidates that should be in front of a grand jury instead of voters. Get your head out of your asses, or get a glass belly button so you can see where you are going.


Unknown said...

Well, you managed to stay with them longer than I did!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Suz. Hard to leave when you have been active for years and know many of the players on a personal level.

Old NFO said...

When you take $$ away, that 'should' get their attention...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ NFO. Maybe. Probably takes several before they pay attention.