Credit, or blame, Old NFO http://oldnfo.blogspot.com/, for this entry. One of his Mondaze Humor jokes prodded some reminiscing about Ensign Montgomery’s cousin.
Lt. Stanley C_____ was the worst officer, perhaps worst soldier, I ever met. He was inflicted on the US Army by the University ROTC program. He was devoid of any common sense. Our West Point graduate Company Commander was often beside himself trying to make something of Lt C______. As a member of the enlisted swine, I simply sat back and watched. Once, when he was inspecting the Guard Mount, I deliberately mixed up my General Orders. He didn’t notice. For civilian readers information, nothing in any branch of the military is more basic than General Orders.
He arrived with his new bride, S______, whose morals soon became the talk of the post. I picked up a few dollars showing films, mainly old TV Shows, at the Officers Club, on the weekends we were in garrison. Seems I was invisible as nobody curbed their tongues around me.
One story had Major A_____ seeing Lt C______ sitting on the steps of his quarters, crying. Seems he came home to find a brother officer in bed with S______. Brother officer kicked Lt C______ out of his own quarters then went back to his activities with S______.
Once, during our three day Combat Proficiency Test, about a half dozen Special Forces types pulled up to our perimeter. They had borrowed a forestry crew tractor pulling a trailer and were trying to drive into our area. We pointed out to Lt C______ these “civilians” were ringers. Got chewed out for our efforts and order to allow them to pass. When the umpires found all the chalk marks on our generators and water trailers, we were flunked, and had to repeat the damn test.
After several instances where his orders nearly got people killed, and one Bridge Erection boat sunk, a job was created for him, Assistant Post Coordinator. Which he screwed up. Somehow, the powers that were managed to boot him back to CONUS (along with S_______).
Lt C_______, and the Army, was fortunate the balloon never went up. He would have been our first casualty, guaranteed.
I’ve never kept track of him but suspect he is now a czar in the Obama Administration.
1 comment:
I think that's the same sumbitch we booted out of the Navy... A navigator who FORGOT to bring charts for a transpac crossing, and then lied about it... sigh...
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