Pity the Rich
The horror! Standing in line like dirt people.
Freedom of Choice – Evs
Does it occur to the buyers that their options for recharging their vehicles are very limited? Internal combustion engine users have tens of thousands of places to refill their tanks.Take that jab? Hell no!
F**K You, Feds III
Wyoming isn’t alone. Moab, UT is hard hit.
Arizona isn’t immune.
The new leadership in the House of Representative weighed in.
RINO out
Rep. Ken Buck, CO 4 th, has announced he will not run for a 5th term. He has made big bucks being the “loyal opposition” and has recently appeared often on the ‘liberal’ news channels (lip service to fair and balanced). Best bet is he joins CNN (lipstick on a pig).No
3,000 mile trip with no problems? I call bullshit.
Addendum: A 2016 Tesla was listed for sale. Poster bragged about taking a 3.000 mile trip with no problems and free charging.
Facts vs Feelings Logging Truck
Seems to be the generational phrase of those under thirty. Doesn’t offend me, just makes me feel old. Whatever happened to “groovy”?
It isn’t free market driven, EV
A small start up company making solar powered charging stations is expanding. Should you read the whole article; the last two paragraphs have the gruesome details. Spoiler – taxpayer funded subsidies.
Thus ends this rant. As always, YMMV
You are of course correct that the EV is mandate driven, not free market driven.
Enough in that to call for the removal from office, all those that are proponents of this.
We are starting to see a lot of push back; a good thing.
End gubmint mandates for EV's. Good, marvelous even. Now do ethanol and bio-diesel, also mandated by the gubmint at gunpoint.
What the state authorities in Utah and Wyoming need to do is literally tar and feather the first dozen or so federales who show up to enforce that boondoggle and I betcha they stop coming.
Thus is my bunk in the re-education camp assured. I'll leave a light on for the rest of you.
My 1986 Mitsubishi Mighty Max needed a $395 Carb rebuild because of ethanol eating up the gaskets.
I doubt I'll make it to the re-education camp. Shot resisting arrest most likely. One less useless mouth to feed.
Says something about our government that we even use dark humor to joke about the trajectory society is moving.
I’ve been down this path, beaten this horse, and picked on this scab a time or two, so you may have heard me rail against or at least muse about this issue (or set of issues) before. My blog on White Guilt fully outlines (how’s that for an oxymoron?) the concept, but in short, white Guilt is the result of the perpetual victimization of black people and white people’s shame, and horror . . . Guilt being manipulated by both black and white leaders in our society, in our government, and in our press. I’ve long thought this white guilt was the reason that Barack Obama wasn’t held to the same standards as other presidential candidates, and now, I feel vindicated in that belief. Because “Barack” woulnt do anything wrong!
Obama gives a good, albeit empty speech; he’s a great public speaker, no doubt in my mind about that. But I’ve never quite “got” what the whole “Change we can believe in” thing was about. Change from what (bad George Bush) to what (good Barack Obama)? Don’t forget, Barack won’t do anything wrong. Well, isn’t that what every candidate intends . . . to replace and improve upon the works of the sitting president? Isn’t that why they run? Vague until last week’s DNC about specific changes, Obama now promises every American a college education, health care, job stability, and a puppy. Okay, every politician promises that. How’s he going to pay for it? Something, I hesitate to call it fuzzy math, to do with the budget; he’s not clear on that tiny detail.
He’s for the environment, so we know he wants us to go greener, but everyone is “for” the environment these days; how’s he stand out? By saying we shouldn’t drill off our shores. And then saying, well, maybe we should in a limited capacity (this only after polls showed that people want us to be oil independent and his charm wasn’t making them budge on that point). He said that he was against the war in Iraq and (according to him) always had been; indeed, he says, had he been in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t so we can’t know how he would have voted if presented with all the evidence and arguments at that time, he would have voted against it. He condemns anyone and everyone who voted for it. Well, everyone except his VP running mate, Joe Biden who voted as Hillary Clinton did, indeed as many of people on the left did. But hey, that’s okay, it’s Barack, and “Barack” don’t do anything wrong!.
No such thing as a 'free market' anymore... Sigh...
Sadly true, but we still can vote our wallets.
Hey JOEY , Stop Dumping These Invading Illegal’s On Us!
Just why should we let these disease and lice ridden Illegal Invaders into this country? They are ILLEGAL! What part of the word “ILLEGAL” don’t this moronic, Stuttering, Delusional Fool understand? These bleeding heart Progressive imbeciles and the Dumbass Democrats don’t give a damn what they do, or how they do it. They aren't our responsibility so why should we the taxpayers of this country take on this burden ? Why should we, the taxpayers of America have to pay for these Dope Dealers, and Women Rapists from another country? No matter where this inept lying POS puts them, he knows damn well that they're gonna be another bunch welfare bums and vote for the Democrats, the party of handouts. That's why he supports this invasion. Democrats turned the blacks into welfare slaves and now they get 90- 95% of the black vote and they want to do the same with these Mexican, Colombian, and other Central American people with their children who are crossing the Southern Border illegally! They have already estimated these “Kids” to be at 52,000, so far this year! These children are minors and are the responsibility of the country they come from, and not ours. And I understand that there are 65 Thousand Run-always that they will never find again. Along wit over 6 Million who have already entered the country, and are flooding our Cities. Has anyone thought of the fact that they don't know the language they have to be cared for, schooled, given medical care, etc, etc, and etc. Drugs are flowing into our nation like a river, and no one asks any question as to how they got here? Thousands of Americans have already Died from the Fentanyl that they have been bringing in.
And O’Biden , wants to grant amnesty to them all, and put them to work. And and he wants the American people to pay the bills for Lawyers, Doctors, for Teachers, and everyone else. So they can gain permanent residency and become more DumbaRats While he and his mentor Obama lays on a Beach somewhere in the sun....
I say load up these disease and Lice ridden Invaders on a Banana Boat and send em back to wherever the hell they came from. They are not our responsibility. And we have more than enough trouble without them.
The economy of our country is being destroyed, and going down the toilet and we are becoming more and more divided because of the Cretin who isi occupying the White House. This country and the lefty’s are being very silent about it and to make matters even worse if that’s possible the Potohead thinks he’s going to run for a second term. .
Eventually, these Left wing extremist or “Progressives” as they call themselves will say "see" we told ya so” when they had enough of our cities being destroyed by the leftist Scum, and our citizenry being killed or dismembered as we saw in Israel on October the 7th. . Until things change, we'll just have to deal with the long list of progressive Nut Cases and Islamic Extremists holding the cards of violence, death and Drugs and other Chaos.
I forgot to mention that the Terrorist attacks in Israel are applauded by a few NUT-JOBS in Congress aka The Squad,
And did I forget to mention that the former LAPD cop killer police officer Chris Dorner who went on a a murder spree earlier this year. Was also a left winger who was a HUGE supporter of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton abortion and other liberal causes and people.
Or that the Fort Hood Terrorist Nidal Hasan’s political affiliation is Democratic.
And that it didn't take no longer then perhaps an hour after the Boston bombing for Democratic /Progressives to do what they do oh so well, POLITICIZE THE CARNAGE! But that was long ago, and we really don’t need to dig down that far to prove the fact that our Counrty is being destroyed by Liberism.
I simply have zero respect for Intolerant ill-liberals..
I’m sorry, but I just have utter contempt for most liberals, and I actually get sick when reading the crap filled blog of the People in the Democratic Socialist Party, as well as the Progressives. It has been the aim of groups like the Democratic National Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union, Moveon.org, The Huffington Post, the Democratic Underground,
the Center for American Progress, Media Matters and other such extremist left-wing organizations. Even CAIR attempts to use America's freedoms as a weapon against her.
But, again, these liberals think they are doing a good thing. The problem is that they are utterly wrong. If this country continues to follow the left-wing path, the U.S. will become toast in a very short time.
These people have used our own government to destroy America. The President along with his Liberal supporters have used the courts to destroy religion. The schools to preach their Socialist slop. And the Unions to weaken our economy.Thing GOT to change in 2014 or we are doomed.
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