Sunday, March 20, 2022


Once again WSF goes mentally wandering down a weed chocked garden path. You have been warned should you bother to read more.

There is the old trite saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

There are a lot of videos on YouTube with Russians soldiers saying they were told they were “liberating” Ukraine at the request of the Ukrainian people. They are shocked to find the people are resisting.

Think of all the countries we, the USA, have “liberated” starting with, say Vietnam, only to find the people didn’t want us in their country and their lives at all.

“But we mean well, and only want to help you get a better life”, yada,yada, yada. Then we as a country become bitter toward the ungrateful wretches.

So WSF, what the hell is your point? Just this. The (P)regressives in this country don’t see themselves as evil, just superior. They only want what they perceive we need and find themselves enraged when their lofty well intended programs meet with fierce, often, vulgar, resistance. We reject their vision of a better life. They know better than us what is needed, just ask them.

Then there are the carrion eaters. They will affiliate with anything that benefits them. No need to bitch about it; they have been part of mankind as far back as records have been kept. Even further back, but that is speculation.

Question? “OK, pontificator of wisdom, what is to be done?”

Answer. Damned if I know, I just like to bitch.


LSP said...

What an excellent post, in which you highlight the turpitude of our ruling elite. No need at this point for analysis, scorn will do.

That's my point and I'm sticking to it.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You make me smile.

LL said...

Be careful, WSF, don't badmouth your betters. If you were only as erudite as the Washington elite, you'd see the error of your ways and would join them as they work diligently to tear down the country.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thanks for the advice but I'll remain a semi-literate Rocky Mountain hick.

RHT447 said...

What is to be done, indeed. Of the four boxes, I fear we may be down to the last one, however I also fear the will for that is sorely lacking in the places it is needed most. There is some cold satisfaction that the idea still gives the current Powers That Be night sweats. I'm sure they would choose the "canned sunshine" option just to rule over the ashes.

The only answer I can think of is if something happens that scares the ever lovin' crap out of the folks in blue counties, on the same scale that Pearl Harbor did to our entire nation. How that happens, what form it would take, or if we would survive, I have no clue.

A Pleasure bitchin' with you.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Box four is what keeps the first three viable.

Old NFO said...

I agree with RHT and LL... However, when/if the first nuke goes, tactical or otherwise, then all bets are off!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I expect to see nukes or EMPs in the near future. Too many fools now with their fingers near the triggers.

Greybeard said...

I'm a fool.
But read this.
Yes, my life was at risk. But only MY life was at risk:
Socialism is "near death".

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Posted a comment on the link.