Thursday, March 17, 2022

Changing Times

1958. I was thrilled to get a part time job at a grocery store at $.35 a hour. Wonder what the purchasing power of that was then as compared to $16 an hour now?

Good learning experience. One sharp lesson was management will lie and mislead you so always have an escape plan. 


LL said...

Some fast-food outlets in my general area pay $20/hr. That has to buy more than .35 did in '58.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Being a dumb kid, I probably worked too cheap. $20 hr? Supply/demand in play. I use fast food maybe twice a month and am always appalled my $10 doesn't buy much. Yes, I'm a cheapskate.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Just checked. Adjusted for inflation $9.98 is what it takes to equal $1 in 1958. Damn, I was a dumb kid!

Greybeard said...

I too was ambitious.
I always had a full-time job, then supplemented for extra $$$ with a part-timer, and could quit either any time I wanted.
Never quit any of 'em because I was never lied to.
(My lowest per-hour wage was $.75, I think.)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

After ranch work, everything was easy.