Monday, March 14, 2022

Inflation and the Ukraine

Suspicious mind. Nothing original here – just some thoughts.

 Most of my life from grade school on, Soviet Russia was this country’s bogeyman. Maybe for good reason, maybe not. Example. Around 1952-1953 there were volunteers scanning the sky in shifts assuming they could spot and report Russian bombers.

 The (P)regressives have let their ambitions overload their asses. CRT has pissed off a bunch of mothers who might otherwise favor liberal causes.  Now we have inflation kicking everyone’s ass and voters of every stripe must deal with it with every grocery store visit and gasoline purchase.  This isn’t just affecting “dirt” people.

 Something I’m involved with weekly.

 Not a scientific measurement but I see the monthly “stroke” on the papers I deliver increasing $300-$500 a month or more. How is that going to budget?

 Is it the (P)regressive game plan to tap into residual Cold War fears and “unite” the country with a war? Is that farfetched? Do they think that will save their ass in the midterm elections outside of the areas where they control the polls.

 Honest elections? Yeah,sure.

 On a personal level, what happens between Russia and the Ukraine isn’t my concern. Two corrupt governments kicking each other doesn’t bother me. Do I have empathy for the ordinary citizens getting hammered? Of course. Is there anything I can do about it?

 For damned sure I don’t want to see our service members getting involved with this mess, especially given the incompetents who will be running the shitshow.

 As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Concur with all. We NEED to stay out of this mess.

LL said...

Prices are getting insane at the store. All is expected of course, but it's brutal on the poor and hard on the middle class. Most people are unable to adjust their income for these sorts of numbers.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you for the validation.

I rarely buy convenience foods and, as a single parent for years, honed my shopping skills. When the price is right, I buy in bulk. I'm afraid few people have mastered that. It helps having more income than expenses.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Prices going up at the Pick n Steal?

Greybeard said...

(What would Neville do?)
I took Psy101, Soc101, and Econ101 long ago. But I think I remember what each of them told me about rewarding something.
I should also ask, WWWD?
(And that's Winston.) This crap scares me too. But Gen. George Patton was right.
At what point do we say NO MORE!?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I don't have an answer. We are seeing, IMO, the final push of the New World Order with 150 years of effort behind it. Nothing monolithic about the NWO, just wealthy people with similar goals. If they do win, then there will be wars between the factions. What has hindered them is this internet thing with information flowing around the world.

Maybe someone smarter than me can identify what terrifies the NWO and we can start implementing those actions.

Greybeard said...

I'm now wondering-
Is there an aircraft we could give to the Ukrainians that could help them have a "Thiry Seconds Over Volgograd" moment so the Russian people would know they were actually at war?
And what PsyOps resources are we using? Is "Voice of America" still a thing?
Radio Free Europe?
This inquiring mind wants to know.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

With the dolts we now have running things I wouldn't hazard a guess.

jeff d said...

GB - Voice of America and Radio Free Europe are govt programs and so never end. Collectively cost about USD 1 million a year. They may actually even broadcast something. Washington DC would smile approvingly if you called to increase the spending on those programs.

Ukraine has aircraft and weapons capable of "Thirty Seconds Over [*]" and has not used them. Please note that Moscow is closer than Volgograd. The United States has many ways to decisively help Ukraine and has not.

I am sorry I cannot give you consolation. Russia is learning from their mistakes. This is war. The deaths are going to grow. I hope you can find peace for you.

WSF - sorry to be a troll on your site.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

jeff d
Always welcome.