Friday, July 23, 2021

Other Views


My niece is a career public health worker in Reno. While our political views are vastly different, my admiration for her courage and dedication is without qualifiers.

The picture was from a post to her Facebook page by her mother (my Sisty).

However harsh COVID has made our lives, for health workers it must be 24/7 combat. The public is resisting and the REMFs (Facui, et al) liars and corrupt. What a tough place to be.

So I ask the few readers that pass this way to say a prayer for the front line health workers, and pass along a thank you to those you may meet.


LSP said...

Prayers up. And let's thank God too, seriously, that this plague hasn't been of bubonic proportion.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you and thank God.

commoncents said...

LIVE NOW: Watch Newsmax Live on YouTube

ps. would you please add CC to your blogroll?

Old NFO said...

Been praying for those on the front lines since last year.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Should be there. Please understand when it comes to computers I'm a Latter Day Luddite.

Thank you.

LL said...

I went to the doctor yesterday. I've never been to this particular MD before, but I had a problem - you're aware. Overdoing things led to infection. BUT I didn't have the plague.

0800 HRS, I arrive for my appointment on time, first patient of the day but the door. is locked and there is a torrential downpour. Healthworker opens the door, allows me in and says, "You're sweating, do you have COVID-19?"

I reply, "It's raining outside, and no, I don't have a fever."

Health worker, checks my temp and says, "Ok, you don't have a fever."

No I don't.

Sometimes it gets a bit much, WSF.

On my way out I asked what I owed by way of co-pay. She said, "you have three health insurances - you're good." So...she admitted that I was good.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm sure you are a most co-operative patient! Hope the problem is soon cured.

Crusader Frank said...

Will America under traitor Joe and Garland stand up to black bigot crooks in high places?
I feel that Former President will be the last Administration that was for the USA as we knew it.
Had Hillary won we’d still be like Frogs in a boiling pot of hot water. one degree at a time. Thankfully, Trump’s unexpected victory threw the America Haters into panic And we got at least 4 years of success, until XiBiden, and Harris worked with the CCP to launch a bio`weapon and used that to shut down the US Economy. This enabled them to cheat in the tens of million of votes in November. Do you think your vote in 2022 or 2024 is going to matter?
The democratic loves of the CCP will be the destruction of the US economy. Adding, as they plan, $5 Trillion in new debt this year will likely cause the US dollar to lose it’s status as the world reserve currency. The choice is to either reopen the economy or destroy the economy, XiHarris and XiBiden will choose the later..

I absolutely think that. America has seen its’ last “free and fair” election….Trump was the last fairly elected president

I'd Bet that A-Hole Blue Balls America Would think that Old Delusional, Senile, Vegetable who's in the Stolen White House wouldn't think so

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Can't disagree.

Doug Werkema said...

That ASS-WIPE Whoopi Goldberg tells gun owners 'you can’t have' AR-15s anymore. Because SHE’S Sick of it!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Her superior intellect should rule, NOT

Roc said...

If We Don't Wise Up as A REPUBLIC For Witch it Stands,One Nation Under Father God, and do it soon... We Will Lose Our Republic and Once it's Gone,its Gone,Welcome to The United States China,it's a Shame and True That You Don't Realize What You Had,Until it's Gone and ALL Your FREEDOMS That you Once Had,Are Gone as Well,Welcome to NEW Socialists COUNTRY That Was Once A Great, and Blessed Nation

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Why I keep doing this blog. Preaching to the choir? Maybe someone will wander across my scribe lings and pause to think.

TOM said...

Our government is now corrupt beyond repair, as the Democratic tyrants can do, and are doing whatever they please.
Once again, we are finding that the PROGRESSIVE COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS, together with former intelligence and law enforcement agents at Facebook pose a clear and present to the United States Constitution.
Yes!, Facebook spied on Private Messages of American Citizens that had questioned the 2020 Trump/Biden election

Well Seasoned Fool said...


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Radical Redneck
Look further into that Marine. BCD.

Kerry Redmond said...

The Senile, Delusional. Babbling, Stumbling Tripping on his own Feet, Donn’t even know what State he’s in, or what dat of the week it is Joe Biden just let it slip to Reporters his Team is Coordinating these Trump Indictments to “Stop Donald Trump From Ever Taking Power Again! As he just let it slip as he was answering reporters questions. He confirmed it's all about stopping him from getting reelected.
And he said the Important part out loud, Biden all but confirmed that his team is coordinating these Trump indictments to “stop Trump from taking power again”
He Sid If it’s Legal we’ll do it, if it’s not Legal, we’ll find a way to do it anyway” AND THAT’S A QUOTE!


Anonymous said...
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A Concerned American said...

Several of the Gold Star families have been treated like crap by Biden said on of the Gold Star Mother’s.
“And that the MSM have been playing along with him
On the two-year anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal, Gold Star parents are calling for Biden to either resign, or to be Impeached. .

The Daily Caller spoke to the parents of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, Marine Cpl. Humberto Sanchez, Marine Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover and Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui — five of the service members who were killed in the Abbey Gate terror attack at the Kabul airport on Aug. 26 of 2021.
The Gold Star families called for President Joe Biden to resign and expressed frustration at the president’s lack of accountability for the chaotic withdrawal on that day! They also requested for the 13 service members killed in the Abbey Gate terror bombing to be honored at the White House, and for Biden to finally say their names.
Many of the Families of the 13 US service members who were killed in an ISIS suicide bombing during the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan lined up Monday to slam the White House — In fact there was one Gold Star Mothers that accused Biden of acting CALLOUSLY that let to the death her Son. And to also STOP mentioning his Son”s name whenever he spoke to them, because HIS SON was NOT killed in action, but rather killed from Cancer.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Typical (P)regressive behavior. I don't have an answer.

Thinking said...

You are not supposed to say so in polite company, but Joe Biden is no longer fit to be President of the United States. It would be a lot better for America, and for the rest of the free world, were he to step down early for reasons of ill-health, or at the very least not stand again for the presidency.

Thinking said...

Have you noticed that we have been facing an upsurge in crime in certain Democratic, and Liberal areas, notably areas Governed, and led by Progressive Communist Democratic Mayors, or/and Governors and even District Attorneys ho are responsible in the upsurge of crime! And that our Progressive Communist Democrat Politicians, even the Judges,are being driven by their Progressive ideology, that demand that these hardened criminals be released back into our communities along with the surge of millions of Illegal Alien CRIMINALS who are being treated differently than our own Ordinary Citizens are.
There even has been a surge of"ambushed and murdered Police offices being shot in their own patrol cars that are being targeted simply because they were in uniform. How RIDICULES is that! What has this country come to?
A California police chief appeared to be deliberately shot at and Murdered while riding his bicycle in Las Vegas by a 17 year old teenage while driving a car , and was heard saying “I hit his ass.”
The unidentified 17 year old driver of the Hyundai was soon arrested by the police and has been charged with murder, after police discovered the video on social media that allegedly showed him deliberately shooting the man.
An Illegal Immigrant was charged with Stabbing a man to death on the Subway in New York . He spent three months in Jail waiting for the court to approve his extradition which never came, and finally was ordered to be released by police because of a delay in the paperwork. Do you call this Justice? We constantly hear of these HORRIFIC cases that happen after a suspect had over 40-50 or more previous arrests! Why are people like that still walking our streets?
You may ask What’s Next? And you’ll be right. Maybe we will see a surge in the Progressive Communist Democrats employing their allies in Antifa and Black Lives Matter troops as we grow closer to the 2024 election.
And perhaps these Illegal Alien Gangs will speed up the floods of Illegal Aliens to cross the border before a New Administration comes into office.

Thinking said...

California Governor Gavin Newsom is acting as absurd as Joe Biden when Biden picked Kamala Harris as his Vice President , and now Newsom is doing the exact same thing by picking Dianne Feinstein’s replacement by color and sexual orientation over competence by nominating a pro-abortion, Black, Female, Lesbian, Communist, Labor Activist to fill the term of the now deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein.
I guess that he can’t think of a better way to completely run California into the ground.

Thinking said...

In addition to the Texas Democrat Henry Cuellar being carjacked and leftist "journalist" and activist Josh Kruger being shot dead in his Philadelphia home, we also have this: A NYC do-gooder activist and poet who once talked a mugger down from trying to rob him, being stabbed to death at a bus stop at Lafayette Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard.

Jamaal Bowman (Democrat) pulled a fire alarm in the United States Capitol moments before the House was scheduled to vote on a bill preventing a government shutdown, according to the House Administration Committee. To prevent them from voting!

Isn't it ironic when liberals, progressives, leftists, and Democrats who seem to think they're somehow immune to the consequences of their political irresponsibility, brutally get a taste of what the real world is really about? No doubt, it is.

The 32-year-old Brooklyn man fatally stabbed by an unhinged suspect in a “horrific, brutal murder. Monday was remembered by friends as a big-hearted activist and talented poet — who once talked a mugger down from trying to rob him.

Ryan Carson of Bedford-Stuyvesant was stabbed multiple times in the chest by a stranger just before 4 a.m. as he waited with his gal pal at the B38 bus stop at Lafayette Avenue and Malcolm X Boulevard – after the pair left a wedding, cops and sources said.

It’s a horrific, brutal murder of someone who worked piously to help make this city a better place, said Tom Krantz, 31, Carson’s roommate who knew him since 2012, to The Post Monday.

The suspect – who had not been caught by Monday afternoon – was acting erratically and knocking over scooters before he seethed, “What are you looking at?” and senselessly attacked Carson.
California Governor Gavin Newsom acting as absurd as Joe Biden when Biden picked Kamala Harris as his Vice President , and now Newsom is doing the exact same thing by picking Dianne Feinstein’s replacement by color and sexual orientation over competence by nominating a pro-abortion, Black, Female, Lesbian, Communist, Labor Activist to fill the term of the now deceased Senator Dianne Feinstein.
I guess that he can’t think of a better way to completely run California into the ground.

Thinking said...

Some Questions for those who lean Democrat about the Biden Family!
1. Why was Hunter Biden paid enormous amount of monies from foreign companies, of which the companies are corrupt? Why can't Hunter explain his value beyond "the Biden brand"?

2. What would these entities get from Hunter in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
3. Oh yeah, why is Hunter now supposedly "broke"? :abgg2q.jpg: Bet I can guess, drugs, the "great life", but mostly because they had to cool off since the heat's on while his dad is POTUS.

4. Why were these foreign interests sending mass of amounts of monies down to shell companies (fake companies) of which fell to the Biden family? Why can't the Bidens explain their value beyond "the Biden brand", while of course Uncle Joe said he was unaware of everything. Wow, he can and could really play the game of dementia off.

5. What would these entities receive from the Bidens in return? Do people do business only to receive nothing in return, and consider these transactions are in the 10s of millions?
Could it have anything to do with the fact that they thought he might have some influence over his father who in turn might influence the President.
How about this for an answer.
Access to the US market. Is bullshit putting it lightly, you know it's more than that. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see Biden headed sweetheart deals to favor the entities for which the Bidens received payments via shell companies.
What IS proven is that the Biden's received these payments from shady foreign entities of which JOE BIDEN himself met with and and entertained. via shell companies And he denied everything. And (LIED) about everything..

Anonymous said...
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Well Seasoned Fool said...

Good remark, now deleted. Per my header, put your name to your remark.

Thinking said...

So Once AGAIN the Crooked Hillary Clinton Lashes Out Against the Republicans calling them “ Maga Cult Members”
As she is Interviewed by that other Moronic Christiane Amanpour on CNN calling for a Systemic Deprogramming of Donald Trump’s MAGA “Cult members.”
Systemic Deprogramming? Isn’t “Deprogramming” a system used by the NAZIS? How would this be done by Reeducation Camps? Would Box Cars and Showers be involved?
And isn’t it Ironic that the Hillary Clinton interview follows the FBI's announcement that it plans to follow political extremists?.Do you mean to tell me that Hillary Clintoon isn’t an “Political Extremist”?.
Hillary Clinton is still the same Dumb Ass that she always was!

Dean Robenson said...

What Did You Learn From Our Idiotic, UN-Planned,Withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Add that to the SIX BILLION dollars that Biden Gave to Iran and LOOK at what happened?

Israel was Attacked and Multi-Families were taken hostage , over 350 innocent civilians were KILLED, and over 15000 people were wounded. Along with Billions of dollars in Damage along with all the human suffering that it cost.
Still think that Trump shouldn't be REELECTED?
If you do, Your living in the wrong Country!

Thinking said...

This SNEAK TERROR ATTACK YESTERDAY and the unprovoked murders of innocent Israeli citizens are a Wake-Up Call to the terrorist of Hamas and NOT TO BE TRUSTED Radical Iranians

The brutal Slaughtering of civilian Men, Women, and Children is sickening. We must pray for Israel, and, the men and women who are fighting heroically, and bravely in its defense, and all of the brave Israelis today.

We here in America must strongly condemn this horrendous attacks on Israel and the innocent Israeli citizens.

We must continue to support our Israeli ally as it suffers through this invasion by these extremists, do what we can to help

Frank Clayburn said...

It is disgusting, and heinous that there are Harvard Student Groups are blaming Israel for Hamas barbaric terrorist attacks that have killed over 700 Israelis,
I am calling on the leadership of Harvard to immediately, and publicly condemn these vile anti-Semitic statements by these asinine Harvard student groups!
Over 700 Israelis are dead over 2,150 are wounded and 100 were taken hostage with the death toll expected to rise after Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of militants into Israeli towns. Women, and children were DRAGGED out of their Homes, and their Cars and kidnapped, or Brutally Killed, young girls were Raped. An American Man was on the phone with his daughter in Israel as she was shot and killed by Hamas gunmen while shielding her son from their bullets.
And some of you people have been BLAMING ISRAEL for this Slaughter? These people only know what their Leftist Masters tell them -- The DISGUSTING FILTH that their teachers, their Union Masters, and their leftist political leaders tell them. They're too easily used by murderers in the region like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, and others. What is happening today is a direct result of policies that have been taught in our Universities for years by these Leftist Professors.
This is mainstream thinking of the left, and is essentially the policy of the Democratic party...But it's not like it wasn't predictable..
The Left has raised a generation of Brown shirts, it’s as pure and simple as that, as they are actually cheering for another Holocaust.
Shame on YOU!

Thinking said...

Who doesn't love BBQ and Music?
Who doesn’t like a Hot Dog, and a Hamburger with all the trimming? I must admit that I do! But I like most of us Americans agree that there is a Time, and a Place for everything. Including a good BBQ!. However, this administration is so out of touch it is not deniable.
Unbelievable is one of many words to describe this event. As Israelis are being slaughtered, and dying, these Leftist politicians people are stuffing their face with BBQ and all the fixings and whooping it up to live music.
Dianne Feinstein Isn’t Even in the Ground Yet! And Joey Biden is Whooping it up Eating, and Slobbering it up with Music, while our Biggest Ally is bing bombed, and their Citizens Savagely Brutalized, and Killed by the Hundreds.
President Biden is coming under heavy fire for hosting a Barbecue at the White House Sunday afternoon while a real WAR rages in Israel and terrorists are Murdering, and holding Americans hostage.

YES, While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band....No, “Dr.”Jill Is not about to let a silly thing like a mass terrorist attack on a ally ruin her BBQ party..Who doesn't love a BBQ and Music? The Israelis in the desert WEREN’T having a party, they were being Killed, and Tortured, while Joe Biden was preoccupied with a cookout during a World Crisis.
Just another example of the incompetency and complacency of the worthless Potatohead’s Administration.

Suzanne said...

Do you want American hostages, raped, tortured, and then murdered.
NO? Then Don't vote for whoever the Democratic candidate will be.

Thinking said...

Biden Says That “The US Has Israel's Back, Make No Mistake About That!”
So, you're trying to say we support Israel, just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan. So, you're trying to say we support Israel, and “Have Their Back”... Just like we supported South Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Taiwan, and had their Backs??

Thinking said...

Was it really necessary for Biden to spend untold thousands to fly to Israel and read from CUE CARDS?
This is RIDICULOUS! He can’t even express himself talking to Benjamin Netanyahu telling him about what happened to the Hospital last night! Benjamin Netanyahu
What this Potatohead is doing could have been done on camera from the Oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump up Biden, and try to make him look responsible, but he is even failing at that!. . The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the rest of the world is all aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel’s Prim Minister. .

COME HOME AND ADDRESS OUR PROBLEM at the SOUTHERN BORDER instead, We are better off without him. He don’t belong where Grown-Up’s are seriously talking about an Importing issue.
By the way, Biden didn't even mention the American citizens that are being held by HAMAS as Hostage’s
And on another note: What is an AIRHEAD like Cory Booker doing besides making a clown out of himself? He has NO business getting involve in this situation. .

Thinking said...

We allow terrorist-linked students to wage campaigns on our campuses and in our streets. We refuse to deport those non-citizens who support Terror and we’d NOT allow those people into our country at the Southern Border either, as they are doing now..
In fact President Biden SHOULDN’T even be going to Israel today. It will only invite more violence.
In facy what is Biden going to do in Israel that he cannot do over a secure telephone?
If he was going to go, then he should have gone in 5 days ago. As soon as the time for the Palestinians to evacuate expired.
He wont go to the border or East Palestine and talk to our own citizens….but he will go to Israel at the possible start of a war?
Just don’t be surprised if his dementia kicks in and he’ll wander off somewhere into the desert.
The Democrats refuse to acknowledge the mass execution, and the horrific torture of unarmed innocent civilians as they attempt to disarm the law-abiding American people while excusing those who use weapons to commit violence in our inner cities.
The Democrats refuse to call out Iran as they rush to save Hamas, Iran’s proxy in Gaza, with a ceasefire. They prattle on about proportional responses and collective punishment of Gazans. They refuse to acknowledge the truth that Hamas has collectively punished innocent Israelis on behalf of their religion. Teaching children to hate and kill Jews.

How is it that our premier intelligence and law enforcement agencies are so busy tracking MAGA protesters in our Capitol that they are missing bona fide terrorists crossing our wide-open Southern Border?
And, why are we not deporting Iranian students, and doing so NOW?

The Bottom Line Is…
President Biden and his Gang of Obama leftovers were WORTHLESS then, and a even more WORTHLESS now.
To say we are in deep trouble is a gross understatement. The Obama/Biden Administration has totally screwed us, and it won’t be getting any better until that pack of Idiots are gone..

Dean Robenson said...

My condolences to all who lost loved ones in the most evil Satanic attack launched by Hamas against the Jews in Israel. Hamas has gone out of their way to butcher and behead Jewish babies, gloating with glee as they hack babies up on live television for the world to see. I will not upload any gruesome photos of Hamas butchering Jewish babies. In the meantime, the Biden family hosted a barbecue this past weekend while Hamas carried out their version of 9/11 attacks on Israel.

The Hawk said...

The Liberal pukes can't scrape up an honest politician., so they will most likely go with the Delusional Lying Creep again. Even though the Liberals in the US have made it clear that because of Biden's, lies, and his Bullshit support of Israel, it will cost him the Presidency. He keeps on saying that “We Stant With Israel, but he does absolutly NOTHING to show it. Especially when he say that he’s giving 100 Million dollars to the Palestinians. And he already gave that 6 Billion with a (B) to Iran.
When left wing Collage Professor and their Idiot Brats from Cornell, Harvard, Columbia and renounce the other party that is when I will believe it. It's time for them to stop playing all sides as the shit is starting to hit the fan. The Democratic party that controls a lot in this nation is turning Pro Islam.
And the violence in the schools has led to tensions rising on college campuses across the U.S. and rounds up where students are expressing support for the Palestinian cause. Things are upside down.

Votar Roja said...

A Terrorist’s tunnel entrance was uncovered at the Al-Shifah Hospital entrance uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital

An IDF Israeli Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari revealed that the IDF had discovered a tunnel shaft at al-Shifah Hospital in the Gaza Strip during operations at the hospital which Hamas Terrorists has been using as a command and control center.

IDF troops belonging to the Shaldag Unit, the 7th Brigade, and additional special units continue at this hour to conduct targeted activity in the al-Shifa Hospital. Today, Hamas's tunneling infrastructure was exposed inside the hospital. Furthermore, a booby-trapped vehicle that was prepared for the October 7th massacre was discovered, containing a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

In parallel, as part of the ongoing ground activity and searches in the Rantisi Hospital, troops of the Yahalom Unit and 401st Brigade continued to unearth an operational tunnel.

Hagari also addressed the recovery of the body of Yehudit Weiss, a 65-year-old woman who was kidnapped from Kibbutz Be'eri on October 7. Weiss' body was found near al-Shifah Hospital.

"Yehudit was murdered in the Gaza Strip. Unfortunately, we did not reach her in time," he said.

IDF troops continue to operate in the area of al-Shifah Hospital as well as Rantisi Hospital and Al Quds Hospital, were further evidence of Hamas' exploitation of Gazan hospitals for military purposes is being used for uncover use.


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MarathonMike said...

Considering that Taylor Swift's average fan base are12-years-olds,
that explains Joe Biden's desire to get her endorsement .because it’s his average fan base as well.

Anonymous said...
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Suzanne said...

Look, I don’t think that I’m shocking anybody when I say that that our “ALLEGED” President is not only Delusional, and Senile, but “Off His Rocker” . Really. Hear me out. Now look, I understand that the regime media teaches that he is a vigorous go-getter taking the lead on important issues and making America “Safe”, if you call this being “Safer”? But, this has gotten to be really SERIOUS! And, I’m really concerned, folks. Maybe I’m off base, but I’m having doubts. I think the evidence is INCREASINGLY CLEAR that he’s a Senile Old Pervert who Showered with His Daughter, as well as a neo-communist Serial Liar whose inability to tell the truth is matched only by his Grubby Corruption. We are seeing Riots in our streets, Riots under the guise of “Protests” on our College Campus’. Gangs of Pro-Arab disguised as Pro-Palestinian shouting, and Chanting the most Disgusting, and Horrendous things, AND threats that I have EVER HEAD IN AMERICA.
And it’s getting worse. Our own Police and no longer control this. .
And if you add it all up, you have to wonder how this ever happened and why Joe Biden is not in a “Home for the Mentally Disturbed” .
Also, there are many who think Jill is running the show. Could it be? If so, we are in deeper Doo-Doo that I thought. .

Suzanne said...

Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on some of the best Ivy League campuses in America ? I would only hope that American Jews who write their hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.
Just the day after more than 100 students were arrested when the New York Police department, they had to return and they raided the tent encampment on the campus, roughly 200 or more demonstrators were still going strong on Saturday, chanting, holding signs and waving Palestinian flags, and chanting horrific disgusting things like “Death to America” and worse.
“We want justice, you say how? Stop arming Israel now!” another group Chanted.. You would have thought that it was Israel that started this Attack instead of Hamas!
A line of Police officers in riot gear arrested a handful of A line of police officers in riot helmets watched on. A handful of Israel supporters stood across Broadway — including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with the pro-Palestinian supporters stood across Broadway including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with the pro-Palestinian students.
I was very surprised that this kind of hatred existed in America in in 2024. Especially in New York.
The enrollment in these HATE-FILLED Schools should Go Down drastically down- next season. and if it does- they deserve it. fostering hate.
I particularly got, and am REALLY Concerned when he ACTUALLY TOLD THE WORLD that Cannibals CONSUMED HIS Uncle Bosie. Now, let me say that again because I want to ensure you got it. The ALLEGED President of the United States looked STRAIGHT at the camera and told America that CANNIBALS ATE HIS UNCLE.
You might think that it’s funny, BUT, ALL OVER THE WORLD THEY TAKE BIDEN FOR A FOOL AND/OR LIAR. At a time when our Country is in danger of getting into a War with Iran etc, The war in Israel is NO DOUBT THE FAULT of the A line of police officers in riot helmets watched on. A handful of Israel supporters stood across Broadway — including one who was doused with fake blood for engaging with the pro-Palestinian students and their Leader Hamas. And our Senile ALLEGED President of the United States has changed his course and is now siding with a TERRORIST STATE! We are clearly seeing the threat of violence in the pursuit of political objectives right before our eyes. Just listen to these ANIMALS and hear the disgusting things that they are saying. And the Threats they are making.
Yes they are stupid kids, but their threats are spreading like wild fire, the threat of violence in the pursuit of political objectives
The Vermin are coming out from under the rocks they have been hiding under for all these years. It is still my opinion that . Joe Biden, will NOT be on the ballot in November.
The Democrats will switch Biden out at the last minute with an unknown person, that comes out of nowhere. An Unknown will do better than Biden, and certainly much better than Kamala Harris.

Salvatore said...

Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on America’s Ivy League campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.
The timing of the abuses against Jews is fitting as I was really absorbing Jewish theology. With my insatiable thirst for knowledge about the human condition, what makes citizens and societies evil with a particular focus on WWII, it is evident to me that there are underlying similarities between what eventually became nazi Germany and what the far-left radicals represent today.

It won't be as rapid a shift, but, we are seeing Jewish speakers and comedians being boycotted. We are seeing Jews being assaulted on campuses and the like.

It is the duty of ALL humans to protect the religious and ideological freedoms of others. If there are efforts to silence non-violent speakers, we need to confront them and ensure they don't succeed as they have in the past.

As the wife of a Man that had been through Hell and back int the 1940's I've seen enough of WWII to know how this can snowball with a younger generation, the most easily influenced and emotional target for these abusers. Hitlers youth was real and even some who are still alive or have died recently of old age were proud of their selection. I watched one guy who was unrepentent of his hand in the death of many Jews. This is where these radicals will lead us over time, slowly but surely.
To see Islamic terrorist treehuggers close down the Golden Gate bridge for four hours. And to watch TV and see the 10's of hundreds of Pr0-Palestinians riot, and cause that horrific chaos at American Colleges is something that I would have NEVER even thought of seeing again This is what the USA has become under the anarchy of the left.

Salvatore said...

A Jewish Yale student was stabbed in the eye with a Palestinian flag during one of their Ignorant, rowdy, protest: This SHITTY, DISGUSTING, MOB BEHAVIOR, MUST BE STOPPED, and STOPPED Fast.
They Said “The university does not tolerate violence, threats, harassment, or intimidation of members of our community, and is providing support to a student who made the report," They said. And Yet Nothing was or IS Being Done About It! These ANIMALS NEED to be JAILED, not just arrested and then let go. THIS IS 100 TIMES WORSE THEN the So Called “Insurrection”. Shame on these Universities, and Shame on these University Presidents, and SHAME on the New York Police Department. And SHAME On the NY Politicians, I’‘m very Disappointed in them ALL!
Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters still have their encampments set up Monday night on Yale University's campus after police made nearly 50 arrests Monday morning.
These SO CALLED Arrests that happen after the Fact is total Bull-Shit! Everyone KNOWS that Nothing will happen to these Monsters. This was their THIRD Night of their Law Breaking Acts THEY PROBABLY WERE ISSUED SUMMONSES !

Salvatore said...

Is This Really America? Jews are being advised to leave Columbia University for their own Safety! Is this why we have been fighting and dying ALL OVER THE WORLD? So that our OWN Citizens aren’t even Safe in their schools? So that an American Jew can’t even walk in the Halls or the Campus of their own College that their Parants are paying Thousands of dollars for? Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on an Ivy League Campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop giving One Dollar to these Bigoted Universities.
We need to Identity these places and the people in charge of them so that we can they can pull out our Donations to these horrible Schools, And from the train wreck that this administration has been allowing to stay in business. .
STOP given these BASTARDS your donations and watch their enrollment Go drastically down- next season. and if it does- THEY DESERVE IT. For their fostering hate.
I can Guarantee this wouldn’t have happened if the Jews were Muslims, or Blacks, or Gays!
The Governor should be sending in the National Guard, but she won't because this is the Democratic Party's base, they are all Worthless.

The Hawk said...

It’s now out there for everybody to see: it’s the Faceless, nameless, bunch of Professional Anti-Jewish, Pro Communist Revolutionary Organizers/agitators leading a group of progressive Communist Democrat Useful Idiots in support of a terrorist regime promoting the killing of Jews and the genocidal destruction of the Jewish State.
How can these Communist-Democrats condone large groups of people holding Palestinian flags and professionally printed signs, and have these Cowardly Communist-outsiders while chanting “Death to America” and “ Death to Israel” while assaulting American Jewish Students?
And HOW CAN OUR PROCTORS , STAND BY AND ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN! What are they waiting for before someone gets really hurt or worse? These Animals must be taken away and put in Jail. Giving them a “summons” is RIDICULOUS, and Laughable. .
Where is the President of the University? Where are the Police? Ans where are the NEW YORK POLITICIANS Like Chuck Schumer? And where is Attorney General Merrick Garland?
Could it be because most of today’s leaders were involved in previous communist-agitated antiwar demonstrations.
These are Progressive Communist Democrats and Useful Idiots who have their respective heads so far up Hamas’ collective ass that they are willing to look evil in the face and then bend over to become equally infected. I am ASHAMED of the ALL.
You can bet your life that if Donald Trump were the President now, this would NEVER had happened.
Since when did these Socialist, Communist Democrats think that murderous Nazis consider them to be friends of America, and allies with the NAZIS with their genocidal fight to kill Jews and destroy the State of Israel? When was that decided? When Biden wanted to run again for the Presidency!

The Hawk said...


Mega Maga Man said...

It’s VERY clear that a new generation of ANTI SEMITES has been created bythe Progressive LEFT-WING branch of Radicals at our Universities Across America ! The young Terrorist Anti Semites have been brainwashed by the left as they were Chanting the most Vile, Despicable, Antisemitic Speech we've seen in recent times .. many are also expressing support for and chanting “WE ARE HAMAS” ! that's right the young leftists are loudly claiming to be Hamas Terrorists, and the very Same Terrorists that attacked the hundreds of INNOCENT Jewish fanilies on Oct 16th. And in doing so Murdered hundreds innocent Women, Chldren and even Babies, as well as taking a Killing Hundreds of Hostages. This is what these Protests are claiming that they ARE!. .. And why ISN’T the Biden administration Locking up these admitted Terrorists ?
And to even make matters worse, Biden refused to even mention any of this at his speach yesterday, when he just turned around and walked off the stage when someone asked him about it.
And Don't let the leftist hogwash fool you, Donald Trump is going to be your next President.
Yesterday Trump was given a BIG message of supporters, the UNION WORKERS at NYC’s construction site: with an 'Amazing show of affection'?
"Former President Trump spoke with hundreds of New York City construction workers and Union Members." who promised him their Support.

Being Right said...

This morning as it looked to be such a beautiful day, I thought that I’d I go slumming a bit and visited a (pardon the expression) Little Armenia Historic Slum also known as a Progressive my final destination for the day;.
After crossing the Rail Road Track to get to the Border border,I saw a few shanty broken down stores selling tons of cheap merchandise that must have been stolen for somewhere , tents and homeless people , and some without clothing everywhere, and three tattooed individuals openly defacing a building with their Graffiti . No law enforcement was seen along the route.
The difference between a “Progressive Blog” and a Hispanic/ Muslim neighborhood was not only the awful smell, but the disorderly manor which everything there was kept. For example food was left out over night on the table uncovered, and in the heated room A stray cat was rooming around and ate from the uncovered dish. The were chicken waling around the premises both inside and outside of the house. Oh well, I think that you got the picture by now.
But Man oh M The really big difference between that disgusting looking, and Smelly place and the Republican’s homes are like Night, and Day! And It still amazes me to see, and hear what willfully blind people will post in defense of a lying, cheating, stupid, and fraudulent things these Progressives say when they want to convince you about anything at all. Even a stupid little thing like saying that their “Uncle was eaten by Cannibals”. Can you even imagine what these Nut’s would stoop to say? Oh, well you get the Picture, I don’t think that I need to go on any further.