Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Something I recently posted. Looking forward to the reactions.

Age Card

For those friends, relatives, and others who haven’t “deleted” me, allow me to play the “age card”, seeing how I’ve been on Earth 76 years and have always been interested and/or involved in my community and country.

I’ve seen the civil rights era, the Weatherman madness, the Reagan Presidency, and the Evangelical political ascendancy. I was in the Army when Kennedy was murdered. The singular lesson I’ve learned is, in the USA, when any portion of the population is being crushed by another portion of the population, those being crushed fight back. They do not go meekly to the slaughter and/or subjugation.

At this point the Trump hating (P)regressives are on a roll. You know in your hearts the election was rigged. You won, so you are fine with that. Not content, you are kicking those you despise who you perceive as down. Stop! We are all humans, not labels. You really won’t like the outcome if you back too many Deplorables into a corner.

Facebook is a convenient way to stay in contact with my extended family. At some point in time, I had over 50 first cousins. Many are still alive and have children and grandchildren. 

We are fractious clans. Gather any three and you will get five points of view, vigorously defended and advocated.


LL said...

I'm sure that the left will construe your comments as a threat.

At least you have the promise of the bunk next to the stove at the Re-education and Rehabilitation Camp. I think that you have the innate skills to be an excellent camp commandant, or perhaps the general over half a dozen stalags. You also have an eye for railroad equipment and you'd be an excellent overseer for the rolling stock/box cars that come in on the siding as part of your scope of management.

I'm volunteering here on blogger to be your duty driver. I know that you prefer to drive yourself, but it's beneath your station to do so.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you! You certainly can be my driver.

Old NFO said...

I guess I can be the flunky, as long as I get a bunk close to the stove. These old bones don't like cold weather.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'll look out for you.

LSP said...

WSF, I'm glad that LL's your new driver. Go FAST.

As for Facebook... people get right strange on there. I stand back and post photos of snow, targets and dogs.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

My father had 12 siblings and my mother four. With something like 50+ first cousins, FB gives us a way to stay connected. Fractious clans! Gather any three and you will have five opinions, all loudly defended.

At my age, and with the mentality of the leftists, I will be shot resisting arrest. No need to have a useless eater at the re-education/labor camp!