Saturday, January 2, 2021

Colorado Specific


Starting the year with a rant.

The (P)regressive enclaves really don’t care about rural Colorado.

No surprise. Down the road? Taxes! Weld County produces upwards of 75% of the oil and natural gas in the state, products that are heavily taxed. The (P)regressives are determined to shut the industry down. Once those revenues dry up, where will they go? Ask the federals for bailout? They are limited in Colorado (TABOR – see below) and are having problems with the courts in calling new taxes “fees”.

From the same source, this little gem.

A detail that speaks volumes as to (P)regressive values.

“Reports revealed earlier this year the CDLE operates with antiquated technology from the 1980s, something John Hickenlooper failed to address when he was governor.

Surging unemployment claims have strained the system and few IT professionals today are fluent in the decades old coding language used by the department.”


The (P)regressives have been in control of the Governor’s office, the House and Senate, and most statewide elective offices for the past ten years. The single thing that has thwarted their programs is TABOR. 

the House and Senate, and most statewide elective offices for the past ten years. The single thing that has thwarted their programs is TABOR.

I fail to see where the (P)regressives have shown much interest in the welfare of Colorado’s common citizens, especially in rural areas. Seems every program they have created is top heavy in well paying management jobs and miniscule benefits for those the programs are supposed to help. One guess as to the primary qualification of those getting the management jobs?

As always, YMMV.

(Sorry about the different fonts. I compose on Word but the fonts change when I copy and paste)


LL said...

Most of the elites can trash the state and move elsewhere (to the DC Beltway) or to consulting jobs somewhere out of Colorado when the place breaks. We see that pattern active in California.

Their contacts and income is fungible - it can move - and they can move with it.

I hate to go to this point, but The Lion King film is instructive. The evil Scar (democrat) and his hyenas trash the Lion King's dominion, eat all of the animals, and they are forced out, leaving a wasteland behind.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I've lived elsewhere and came back to take care of family obligations. For decades the state maintained something of a balance between the CA incoming and the Armed Frocks retirees in Colorado Springs. Not all who move here are leftists but too many graduates from the liberal universities come here for the "good life". IMO, the big problem is the newcomers have no respect for the long term residents.

Old NFO said...

Y’all don’t go kiss their asses enough. :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Well, maybe if they bathed more often.

LSP said...

Lest we forget, the Left hates the working class.

drjim said...

They hate us even though we generate most of the revenue they skim and "manage".

They're The Cloud People; always have been, always will be. I worked with these "intellectuals" at Fermilab back in Illinois. The Engineers were fine, and the "Experimental Physicists" were also fine; they both got their hands dirty right with us lowly Techs, and went and had a beer after we were done.

The "Theoretical Physicists" were the blackboard guys. Incredibly brilliant, like Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory, but as lost as six year olds out in society. No conception of where their food and power came from, or how things worked in the Real World. Get my hands dirty? Don't we pay people to do that? Same with the artsy-fartsy types I've known, whether it was theater or film, they're clueless about modern life and what makes it continue to provide their paycheck.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Not if we are contented serfs praising our "betters". Otherwise, you are correct.

Never trust anyone who won't get their hands dirty!