Friday, February 14, 2020


The discontent in this country runs deep.

I joined a #WALKAWAY group on Facebook for former Democrats. After acceptance, put up a two paragraph comment. In two days the replies, likes, and shares are over 500!

A common theme is support for President Trump. A minor theme is a strong dislike for RINOs. Lots of Blue Dogs in the group.

I’m going to leave the group. Not because I disagree, but it is hard for me to see the posts from people I care about, mainly family and old friends.

ADDENDUM: Before I could block the FB #WALKAWAY group, the count went over 1,000.


Fredd said...

Fool: I suspect most Walkaway sites are made up of folk like you - they join to see what the other side is up to.

Die hard liberals don't walk away. They just don't. They will willingly go down with the ship. I just wish conservatives were as loyal to our philosophy as the lefties are to theirs.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

What is a conservative? What I am for is a level playing field. From there, you rise or fall based on your effort.