Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ladies of The Round Table

The Coven
They gather every morning in the commons area to discuss the state of the world and offer “helpful” suggestions on any subject that may come up.

Each morning I stop by with Banner, the dog, after he has taken care of his morning dog business. He gets “treats” and I get my balls busted.

This morning they had a card for everyone to sign. One of our residents, age 92, died last night. In a 65+  90 unit building that is a frequent occurrences.  R.I.P. Armondo.

There is usually two groups. The Coven go in together to fund a coffee pot so sit across from the commons kitchen. Then there is the lobby group, who use the lobby coffee bar and the Krug machine.

Need I say neither group likes the other?

Banner, and I, are friendly with both groups. Surely that irritates everyone. Mission accomplished!


LL said...

The Coven and the Conclave. You're wise to court both groups. You have all the makings of a successful politician.

Anonymous said...

Does the unit have others coming in to replace the DRT's? And how do they decide or invited to join a group? Seems like it would be fun to just sit and listen.

Coffeypot said...

I'm not anonymous. I'm just sweet lovable me, Coffeypot.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

A Waffle House favored customer!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Think of middle school girls. That seems to be the mode.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Politician? Nah, more along the lines of hearts and minds. I live here.

LSP said...

I used to visit a similar place where the Coven played poker on a Thursday afternoon. I'd have to break up their game while I gave Communion to one of the players, and guess what, they all prayed along.

I always asked permission first, obviously.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Some of the lobby group and the common room group attend the same bible study group.

Brig said...

I'm so much a loner that I don't think I would do well in a Coven. But setting outside the group and observing might be interesting.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The dynamics of this place is a hoot to watch.

Old NFO said...

Don't envy you dealing with those two groups... Sooner or later, you're going to piss both of them off! :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm not really liked by either group, and I'm ok with that.