Sunday, May 26, 2019

Where is #MeToo?

The District 50 representative resigned rather than face a recall. Keeps her seat within the Democrat Party. Now details have come out.

Where are all the #MeToo Wymen? If a male heterosexual Republican held the seat, they would be waving pitchforks, heating tar, and demanding SOMETHING BE DONE!!!!!!!

One of their own?  Crickets. Just let this embarrassing moment slide into oblivion.

Let me be clear. I am not seconding guessing the police or the city attorney. We don’t know all the facts, starting with the willingness of the victim(s) to testify in open court.  Decisions had to be made.

What I understand is (1) the #MeTwo harpies don’t have the moral courage to stand up and speak up when another wyman is the perp, and (2) victims will be less likely to reach out for help when they see the lack of moral fiber among those who supposedly advocate for them.



Coffeypot said...

Again, when did any Democrat or any of their special interest groups ever rely on law when it comes to their side? The MSM is just as bad. Facts and truth are just suggestions, not a working theory. Most are just oxygen thieves.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Yeah, I'm being Captain Obvious.

LL said...

Captain Obvious, it still needs to be said.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Agree. Why I wrote the post. Search engines will pick up the title and maybe, just maybe, influence others.

Old NFO said...

Agree with CP, that way I don't have to cuss... sigh

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Your restraint is admirable. Fortunately, I have none.

Jonathan H said...

I believe the MeToo movement was intended to help Democrats retake both houses last fall and assist in bringing down the president because it appeared Mueller wasn't going to do it … but MeToo boomeranged on the Democrats so now they are trying to ignore it, for example downplaying Joe Biden's past.
I suspect we will see it go away except when there is a chance to go after a Republican, when it's body will be loudly resurrected...

Well Seasoned Fool said...
