“All politics are local” stated Tip O’Neal, late Speaker of the House.
Last night was the monthly coffee hour with our local State Senator. About 20 people attended. All local Democrats. All activists to one degree or another. Topics discussed were local and state issues. Schools, taxes, outside PAC’s, water issues, workman compensation issues, some ballot initiatives and issues, etc. Little national except for our ineffective Congress. This coming Saturday, a candidate for Congress will have an hour “coffee”. All this at our local I HOP.
Folks, this is where it all starts. Please get involved. An hour, here or there, out of your schedule won’t hurt your lifestyle. An hour, here or there, can damn well improve your chances for the kind of government you want.
Don’t be a one issue person. Your representative, or potential representative, must listen to many points of view and input on many issues. Have some respect for their position.
Last night I had an opportunity to speak about 2nd Amendment issues. I said something along these lines. “Since Mr. Obama’s election, the people of this country have, voluntarily and with their own money, purchased enough firearms to equip the world’s four largest standing armies. That is a “poll” that should capture your attention.” My Senator was visibly startled. Got some long, hard looks from several in the room.
I’m a fat, grumpy, senior citizen with no wealth, but I can have, however small, an impact. So can you. Get involved.
We can blog, we can write emails, letters, etc., and be ignored Going face to face, belly to belly with a politician makes it much harder to be ignored.
Shy? Uncomfortable speaking in public? Get over it (and yourself).
LOL, yep I'll bet you DID get their attention, and your point is an excellent one! That hour or so can pay dividends!
I'm a fat, crabby old housewife, and am cynical enough to believe that my vote DOES NOT MATTER. I believe that all the shit's been decided long before names appear on a ballot, and that voting, polling etc are nothing but a sham, designed to keep the rabble unroused.
Do I still vote? Yes. Just in case.
Same reason a lot of people claim to believe in God. Just in case.
@ NFO Gave them something to think about!
@ Ami I know you can have a local impact. Consider, every river starts with individual raindrops or snow flakes. Your impact is diluted as the process spreads but if you have no input, you have a negative or passive impact. You don't sound passive!
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