Sunday, February 5, 2012

Can't Quit Working

Much to the disgust of some of my friends, notably Dirty Al, and some family members, I can’t retire. Guess work is an addiction.

Left the car testing job last fall and picked up a job deicing airliners. Nice job, mainly 4-5 hour shifts, pays decently, and I can play with big toys!

Come spring will find something else to do. Probably be back on the road but I’m glad I am sitting at home this winter.

Having a steady retirement income does allow me to only do jobs I find interesting.


Ami said...

I figure I'll be working until I die. Fortunately, I have an interesting job already.

I figure if I do retire, I'll just live near a walmart and be a greeter. They give jobs to decrepit old people, right?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Ami With my personality and lack of verbal filter, being a Wall Mart greater would be very short term.

Do qualify as decrepit old person!

Anonymous said...

@WSF - I totally agree with your comment.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Sisty You agree with something I said? Are you feeling ok?

CI-Roller Dude said...

Ain't a good retirement check great! I will only take on jobs I enjoy doing...I've told a few folks that were going to hire me:"Sorry, that pay is not worth starting my truck up for."

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ CI_Roller Dude
After 30+ years of hearding cats, I won't take a job supervising others or prolonged public contact. Long meetings? I am out of here.