Saturday, February 25, 2012

Caucus, should be Cau-cuss

Mine is Tuesday, March 6. As usual, will attend if only to piss off the liberals.


Ami said...

Waste of time. Are you going to wear anything provocative? Like a shirt with guns on it?

Have a good time, I figure that the election results are already in, it just won't be until November that we get to find out who "won".

Old NFO said...

Do it to it WSF! Honesty is NEVER liked at those places... :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Ami Wouldn't think of disappointing the usual suspects.

Attire? New Wranglers and the usual long sleeve T-Shirt. Nothing on the shirt.

I don't know what impact I may have at the national level. I do know I have an impact at the local level. We have a corrupt county commissioner who I will confront if she has the nerve to show up.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Always enjoy poking with a stick the three liberal twits in my precinct. Others are targets of opportunity.