Before hitting the TSA checkpoint, I empty all my pockets and put the contents inside my bag. Before getting on the plane, bought a cup of coffee and discovered my keys, still in my pocket. Had the same thing recently occur with a couple dollars worth of change at Ft Meyers. Good to know TSA is on top of their game.
Getting on a flight to Las Vegas via Phoenix some jerk tried to put his oversized bag sideways over the row I was to sit in. Called him on it; told him to move his bag. He said something about no space where he was sitting. Told him I didn’t care; I paid for my ticket same as him. He moved the bag.
Flying to Phoenix was interesting as the aspen are turning colors. Quite a sight from 29,000 feet.
Exiting the restroom at Phoenix, the man with the bag was waiting for me. Started running his mouth. I stepped away from my carryon, extended my hands palm up, and made a “come on” motion with my fingers. Turns out he was all mouth and decided he had other places to be.
Must have been a spectacle; two senior citizens chest puffing in the entryway to an airport restroom. To hell with these jerks that think the world revolves around them. The airline employees won’t do much about the carryon problem because they know their management won’t back them up.
Later, talking to youngest son, he pointed out the man probably steamed the whole two hours from Denver. Bet the outcome to his confrontation with me didn’t go the way he envisioned. Probably steamed the rest of the day. Being the perverse asshole I am, I rather enjoyed the rest of my day.
My boss goes to Expedia and buys the cheapest flight possible. I don’t care, I get paid whether I’m in an airplane, sitting at a terminal, or driving a vehicle. The company isn’t getting paid if wheels aren’t turning on the test vehicles. Not my problem, but old management habits are hard to discard.
Nice drive from Las Vegas to Denver. Tourist season is over as is a lot of construction. Did earn my pay nursing the vehicle. Pre production stuff isn’t always reliable. Guess that is why the manufacturers test them.