Posted May 10, 2009 about my legendary driving skills. Today I finished training for a seasonal job as a snow plow operator. The picture shows some of the equipment I will be operating at the airport.
The flying public will be safe; the job is only on the public parking lots so no aircraft will be endangered.
This is an on call job so if it snows a lot this winter my 2010 summer travel fund will be fat. By Monday the 4x4 will be checked over, survival food and gear loaded, and the winter clothes taken out of storage and made ready. Past history says being stuck at the airport for three days is possible.
Me pass the tests? Must be low, low standards. (Friends and family, this is you cue to jump to my defense)
Nope, this is one guy that thinks your perfect for the job. Just make sure you drink lots of coffee. I know you and i know with a hot cup of joe you can do just about any thing.
Those look like some fun toys to play with......
Um...er...can I 'borrow' that big one? I need a good commuting vehicle, and they won't let me check out an M-1...
TG.....Yeah, lots of grins in the warm sun. In a blizzard? Best part is being paid to play.
Old NFO...top speed about 10 mph. Just think of the number of folks you could piss off!
Old NFO that would be perfect to take down the 405 in LA. Take care of all the riff raff
Hell I was thinking 395 in DC- 10 mph would be an IMPROVEMENT!!!
Wait... You actually expect those that know you to actually jump to your defense??? LMAO!!!!! Obviously they're either desperate for help or they just hire the guys that are just crazy enough to want to drive around in a blizzard!!! LUV YA!!!
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