Our small city recently built a new library. No problem there; the old one was about 1,800 square feet and noisy. The new facility is well designed and well constructed. The parking lot has several handicapped parking spots next to the entrance sectioned off from general parking with a sidewalk and dedicated entry and exit. No problem there; the design stops impulse parking. What gets my temper flaring are the six spots nearest the entry (see the photographs).
Having an inquiring mind, I sent an email to the patrol captain asking about the legal basis for these signs and fines for parking there. His reply was, in essence, WTF; we don't know but we will look into it.
My guess is some self important busy body got these installed. Public money was spent on those signs. The parking lot is public, not private, property. To some people, my gripe may seem petty. To me, this is an example of civil employees thinking they have the power to make rules and regulations. NOT!!! Elected representatives make rules and regulations. Civil employees administer rules and regulations. They are not free to use their positions to push their own agenda. We, as citizens, need to keep calling them out. My opinion; your mileage may vary.
Oh hell WSF, THAT Is the new rage... The garage I park in has done that on every floor at the 6 spaces closest to the elevators. It really chaps their asses when I park my full size Yukon in those spots, but it's completely legal since mine is a Flex Fuel vehicle...LOL
This is new to me; maybe I'm not observant. Is the garage you park in private property? If not, what is their enabling statute?
That sign is really out of place in the city you live in, with all the diesel trucks driving around. So what there saying is they only want rich yuppies there.
Tilting windmills again?
WSF- it's the building I work in, so technically private/managed/pay parking... They get away with it.
It's private WSF.
Seems our library is a "Green" project and the parking spaces are required for LEED certification http://www.nrdc.org/buildinggreen/leed.asp
This is all private, not by statute, so the parking regulations, on public property, are not enforceable. As to private parking I am not sure.
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