Monday, September 28, 2009

Medical Miracles

My good friend, Dirty Al, is a character. He has been a soldier, a mercenary, a bail bondsmen, and the best car salesman I've ever known. His eyesight was bad all the years I've know him.

Last year the VA fixed his eyes. They removed cataracts and fixed a detached retina. His vision has been restored to nearly perfect. When I asked him if the quality of his life has improved, he said greatly, except the county has put up a lot of stop signs since his eye surgery.


Old NFO said...

That sounds like a good news/bad news thing... :-) Glad he's doing better though!

Pens Of The abyss said...

Yep the city puts them up and you run them down.

Well Seasoned Fool said...


Say what? I may have run down a few delineators but never a stop sign. On occasions, I haven't come to a complete stop. This has resulted in a few good citizen citations. Should I post your DMV for the world to see?

Pens Of The abyss said...

BTW Congrats on your new job!