Saturday, January 25, 2025

Anti-Government Rant

 Jackboot Thugs

Another story of the ATF doing a full scale raid on a couple’s home in the early hours and treating the man and wife like dangerous terrorists.  Why the heavy handed tactics when there was no need? 0800 go up and knock on the door. Second question, why wasn’t the county sheriff there? Two deputies in over their heads and likely not trained for that type of situation, would make me question why that sheriff needs to be reelected, if I were a voter in that county.

Hopefully the Trump administration will get this rouge agency under control.


 It has happened before.


And not just ATF


But wait, there is more.





Once again I’m seeing articles on how butter is bad and various “spreads” are healthier. Maybe, but something that is one molecule away from plastic isn’t something I want to ingest.

 Not all butter in the supermarket is the same. I try to find “first churned”, usually Amish, roll butter. Expensive, but my health is worth it.


I’m not a lawyer and haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in years. That said, I think SloJo’s handlers have made a huge blunder. Those “pardoned” can no long take the 5th, as I understand the way the system works. Slimy Milley didn’t just do it alone. He had aides, subordinates, who in the normal course of time will be promoted into higher position. They helped him, and they can be prosecuted. The head snake may escape but the pit of vipers can’t.

 There are scores of  MIlleys sitting on a Presidential pardon.

 Are these subordinates going to quietly accept their fate? Or, will they take out the threat to them? Will our national murder rate have an upswing?

 “If no one talks, we all walk”.

EV Blues

Trump pledges to target the EV industry, while Coloradans widely embrace their clean new cars

Typical leftist journalism click bait headline. Because of big subsidies (i.e. sucking at the taxpayer’s tit) some people buy electric vehicles. The rest of us paying for those subsidies are less enthusiastic.


My view? Go President, Trump, go!

Speaking of American Mainstream Maggots (h/t BZ)

Anonymous source, not authorized to speak publicly, says………….

Which likely means the anonymous source is the reporter’s imagination.

 He wants to be your next President

Such a good smoke and mirrors job he has done to Colorado, just imagine what he can do for the country!


Choice Pallet

I’m falling behind on the competition for the best pallet next to the stove with no fuel. LL, among others, is way ahead.

 As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Polis is dreaming... And yes, ATF needs to go away.

drjim said...

The ATF needs to be declared a Terrorist Organization.
Emperor Polis as CIC? Don't think so....

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Polis. Don't count him out. He is smart and rich. His much younger 'husband' is the environazi.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The ATF has a role that needs done in other areas. Reorganized? What needs to end is the terror arm of the gun grabbers. My views on Polis are no secret. I look at his track record.

Wild, wild west said...

Gestapo. They haff veys uft making you cringe. Manifestly Un-American. One wonders if their Mothers know what they do for a living.

These Sheriffs who claim they were misled or didn't know what the Fed Bois were up to. Were they complicit, or merely incompetent. I would say, perhaps both.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I know what my LEO relatives would do. They might go along at the time but would be vigilant traffic code enforcers. Being a Fed SWAT team member doesn't make you exempt while driving your POV.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You make very good points. However, you didn't put a name to your comment. Anonymous comments aren't posted.

Ron said...

Looks like the link got truncated.
Here's the full link:

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Page didn't open. That looks like an interesting site.

Excalibur said...

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries., is being criticized by Republicans after pledging Democrats would fight President Donald Trump's agenda "in the streets
Yes, the House minority leader, Speaker in waiting, has advocated fighting the Trump agenda in the streets.

Look, Jeffries is acting like a Soviet. Yes, the House minority leader, their Speaker has advocated fighting the Trump agenda in the Streets.
This is what This Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, The Democrat from New York said yesterday and ., is being criticized by the Republicans for saying it after he had pledged that the Democrats WOULD FIGHT PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP'S AGENDA "IN THE STREETS."
"Right now, we're going to keep focus on the need to look out for everyday New Yorkers and everyday Americans who are under assault by an extreme MAGA Republican agenda that is trying to cut taxes for billionaires, donors, and wealthy corporations and then stick New Yorkers and working class Americans across the country with the bill," Jeffries said.

"That's not acceptable. We are going to fight it legislatively. We are going to fight it in the courts. We're going to fight it in the streets."

Republicans blasted Jeffries for his choice of words, accusing him of inflaming political tensions in an already-tense political climate.
House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, ., immediately Demanded that Jeffries Apologize.
"House Minority Leader Jeffries should promptly apologize for his use of inflammatory and extreme rhetoric," Emmer wrote on X. "President Trump and the Republicans are focused on uniting the country; Jeffries needs to stop trying to divide it."

A senior White House official reported that , "Hakeem Jeffries must apologize for this disgraceful call to violence."
'Hakeem Jeffries must apologize for this disgraceful call to violence!
Republicans blasted Jeffries for his choice of words, accusing him of inflaming political tensions in an already-tense political climate.

Are the left gearing up for Mass Riots Again .. are they just waiting for a tragedy to use as a catalyst .. whether said catalyst is someone being shot by police while resisting arrest or the mass deportations that are going to increase dramatically .. they may be waiting for an excuse to Burn ,Loot , and Murder on a mass scale again
What does “Fight in the streets” mean and why do so many Democrats use that phrase?
They are threatening US with riots Again.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Interesting times

Maga Gal said...

Massachusetts State Senator James Eldridge filed legislation that would allow non-US citizens to vote in municipal elections and even be a candidate for mayor, city or town council, school committee, board of selectman and other elected roles.

Yes . It sounds near unbelievable that any individual would show himself publicly to be that insane, or should I say Stupid! .
But I sincerely believe that many people who sound like him have become mentally ill and are dangerous
It seems to me that Massachusetts is full of Morons

Well Seasoned Fool said...

They are everywhere and most are (P)regressives aka Democrats

LSP said...

The ATF seems weird and bad. Maybe they'll get the FBI treatment which has only just begun.

Great butter call, btw, my choice too.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

They are both out of control. From Ruby Ridge to Waco and onward, they have made war on our citizens.