Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wandering Thoughts from an Unfocused Mind


This is Embarrassing

 Fire Department

Electric Bill

Is anyone surprised that almost exactly ½ of my electric bill is for things other than electricity? That means every time I get an email from scumbag woke green power advocate Xcel telling me how to reduce my bill I get pissed.

This is an example of, instead of taxed to death, we are “fees” to death. Fee or tax, what does it matter? Hits my wallet exactly the same. Speaking of fees:

 At a morning news conference, members of the caucus announced a series of bills that Minority Leader Paul Lundeen, R-Monument, said would create an average annual savings of $4,500 per family if passed. The bills involve repeal of new fees and regulatory increases signed since 2019, rollback of regulations concerning homebuilding and new approaches to energy policy.

The announcement follows the December release of a study commissioned by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce that found Colorado is the sixth-most-regulated state and that 45% of its 170,000 rules are redundant or excessive compared to other states.

Has a snowball’s chance in hell passing, IMO.

Renewable Energy Aftermath

What a farce, these windmills. Petroleum fuel needed to construct them, petroleum lubricants in large quantities needed for their operation. Depending on the size, 60 to 700 gallons for a five mega-watt is needed for one generator.


The areas strip mined for coat is reclaimed and the idea of covering these windmill parts in the pits before they are covered is sensible. An idea so sensible the federal government takes four years to approve the practice.

P.S. As I travel around these windmills I’ve yet to see an EV service truck.


The stupidity continues. The area residents are getting wise. Flight tracking and map reading (state owned land) must irritate the mandarins.


Friends of mine in Routt County raise, train, and sell Akbash guardian dogs.  Want to take odds on owners of these dogs being prosecuted when one of their dogs kills a wolf?

Now some feel good group is offering a $100,000 reward for the conviction of anyone killing a wolf.


Secretary of State Jena Griswald (P) Colorado

Speculation is she intends to run for Governor. A recent comment about her from a polling firm says this:

SoS Jena Griswold (D) is thought to be interested, and is transparently ambitious, but also a somewhat polarizing progressive figure.”

 Adds Colorado Peak Politics:

No two words in polite English conversation describe Griswold better than “transparently ambitious,” yet we would throw in “ruthlessly” just for accuracy.

My guess is she will try for the United States Senate. I expect the incumbent saloon keeper won’t run again. She will lose, as Emperor Polis wants to be our next Senator.

Food Shortages

The Safeway I patronize frequently has noticeable shortages of eggs and dairy products. Not out, but seldom full shelves. Manufactured crap, yes. As an example, I put heavy cream in my coffee. No cholesterol. The cooler is seldom full. Next window over is “sweet creamer”. Reading the label you find a long list of ingredients but no dairy cream.

Pure Blood

Many of my neighbors in the apartment building are sick. Several are hospitalized. The common denominator seems to involve lungs and/or flu. Every one of them took the whole COVID regime shots.

One neighbor is militantly anti-vac. She and I seem to be the only ones in the building not afflicted. Lesson here?

 As always, YMMV


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