Sunday, February 2, 2025

Politics and Weather; Neither Can be Avoided

 Tis’ a Privilege

Living in Colorado. Despite Californication, traffic, and miles of ugly two story houses on postage sized lots, the vistas remain. While hanging paper the other day, the air was crystal clear, the Front Range snow covered, the sun was shining, and just a few high cirrus clouds were over the mountains. Just looking at the mountains lifted my spirits.

A few days earlier an assignment took me 130 miles east in the high plains. There is much to see if you know to look and the land stretches seemingly forever.

 Perhaps these are, “stop and smell the roses”, moments?

 B.S. from our English Cousins

Once again, a study that pleases the ones funding it.


 Immigration War

 Activism” meets reality when President Trump’s Executive Orders turns of the ‘free’ Federal money.


Emperor Polis demonstrates his grasp of important issues.

Presidential Material


Colorado specific.

If you file taxes in Colorado, you must opt in to get your TABOR refund. Another sneaky (P)regressive money grabbing tactic.

 Along that line, Polis and fellow thieves are forecasting a budget shortfall while several agencies are sitting on previously allocated funds that have not been spent.

WSF gets racist

Big rig truck driving is a tough job. Truck companies have a tough time hiring drivers. Increasingly long haul truck drivers are immigrants with limited, or no, English. Articles like this one ignore that factor.


The only hint is one line.

Bowes noted that it’s only a half-joke that some of the drivers who don’t know the right procedures for mounting chains are seen on roadsides and chain stations in shorts and sandals in winter weather.

Also mentioned are understaffed State Patrol officers.

The same situation exists along I-80 in Wyoming compounded by low wages for snow plow drivers resulting in not enough snow plows.

OK, WSF, are you saying immigrants can’t drive trucks? No, immigrants aren’t trained, or prepared, for the loads and highways they are expected to traverse.

 I watch several YouTube channels involving tow companies working wrecks. Time after time the drivers have limited English.

 Disclaimer: Anyone who hired WSF to drive anything bigger than a one ton flatbed was foolish. One employer banned me from pulling trailers. A man should know his limitations. Sisty can fill you in on a box truck and low bridge in Casper.

Medical Care Rant

I’ve no major complaints about the medical care I’ve received. What I do complain about is just getting a @#$# appointment. For the patience impaired, such as myself, the endless, “Please listen to all the options………..”. Finally here the option I want and press the number. Now I hear again, “You have reached the …..Department. Please listen to the………… Aarg!

I begin to question whether I need the medical attention. Too often I just take two acetaminophen and say, “F**k it”.

Trust Fund Snots Keep on Keeping on

Colorado Politics


What kind of blog post would you expect from a grumpy old man?

Consider the fate of the dog, Banner, who must endure living with me

 As always, YMMV

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