Saturday, September 14, 2024

Humane, or Proudly Ignorant?


Ain’t None of them Cowboys

Feral horses are often a problem on open ranges. They are prolific breeders with few predators. They overgraze the range. During droughts and harsh winters they die slow deaths from starvation.

Controlling their population gets people stirred up. People love horses. Love, without understanding, or even caring to understand facts, is animal cruelty. Cue Emperor Polis.


Shooting Update

Victor Anthony De Santiago, the man who tried to kill a Colorado State Trooper, was born in California. He was a long time Colorado resident with a criminal record. To date, there is no indication he had any affiliation with Venezuela gangs.

They Raise Them Early in Wyoming 


Please understand I don’t applaud this hunter; just understand the culture. I was raised with subsistence (poacher) hunters. The ethos was a quick kill. Don’t make an animal suffer. I’m opposed to archery hunting because a quick kill is unlikely.

Rare Earths

This is, hopefully, good news.



Yes, I know, not everyone is interested. 


Daily Life

From the local rag’s Cop Log. It isn’t all shoot ups and high speed chases. We sometimes forget what law enforcement handles day to day.


 As always, YMMV

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Imported Criminal Gangs

More Aurora, CO gang news and opinions


Tren de Araqua?

They openly call for killing police officers. This story will likely have legs. Aside, can you say accuracy is finial (h/t Wyatt Earp)?


Attention Whore

Colorado’s Secretary of State


Rank RINOs

Afflicting Wyoming for many decades are the Cheneys. Both have endorsed Joyous Cackles, to the surprise of few.


Outside of Jackson Hole, few Wyoming residents care for them. Another gathering place for the rich, Saratoga, takes their money with a smile and then go wash their hands. Fishing the North Platte River is the draw. It is common to see six or more executive jets parked on the airport ramp. Dick Cheney is a well known belligerent drunk in Saratoga’s saloons.

 Wyoming Republicans respond to the Cheney endorsements.



I.Am.Mental mentioned how long she has been blogging prompting me to check my blog. Seems I started somewhere in 2009. Amazing, because I’m still blogging and others are still reading the disjointed ramblings of a Latter Day Luddite and establishment menace.

 Full Disclosure. More people are here for Banner stories than any other reason.

 As always, YMMV

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Stand Your Ground, but, Don't be Stupid


Self Defense or Overkill?

Ten .45 rounds fired, man down and very dead. The lawyers will have a job on this one. To me it appears to have started as self defense then spiraled out of control.


Labor Day Party

Resident in our building have holiday gathering. I’m not a great fan. The people organizing them I like so I show up. Banner goes to visit Sisty. He hates being alone in our apartment. The idea of an 80 lb friendly eating machine among people and food is not to be contemplated.

Here Comes de Hook

Only when your vehicle is on the hook do most people even notice a tow truck.


In some neighborhoods and apartment complexes you can hear, “Here come de hook” or,

    aquí viene el camión de recompra”

 Colofornia News

“Wealthy” conservative backers of ballot initiatives keep blocking the benign, and for our benefit, (P)regressive plans. Horrors!


The same Democrats complaining never seem to have a problem with wealthy dark money groups interfering when it coincides with their ideology.

At least seven initiatives will be on the ballot this election. Some were funded by dark money (P)regressive money. Can you spell hypocrisy?


 Unicorn Farts Meets Reality

Confession. I have little understand of “carbon capture” and little interest in learning more. Seems to this Latter Day Luddite like some Ponzi scheme. What is apparent it takes a lot of electricity. Other than climate change hustlers, does anyone else even see a need?


Venezuela Gangs Colorado Tren de Aragua 

My, my, cow pies being kicked all over the place.


and MORE

This situation is now an international story and mixed into national politics. Not a bad thing; sunlight is a great disinfectant.

Mike Coffman is the Aurora Mayor (term limited) and is nobody's patsy. Aurora has always been a pimple on Denver's ass (years past we owned two homes there). It is divided by two counties (Adams on the North, Arapahoe on the South) that results in different tax and bond systems. Denver's main jail sits on the North side.  The city is home to more immigrants, legal and illegal, than any other place in Colorado. There is a significant perpetually pissed off black population and a mobile "unhoused" population. Squeezed continually are 'native' Mexican descendants. The city council is always split between (P)regressives and conservatives. At the moment the conservatives have a slim majority. The Chief of Police office has been a revolving door forever. Some officers would have been at home in the LAPD Rampart division circa Rodney King.

Perhaps Aurora's biggest problem is the Califorication of Colorado with the suburban Liberals keeping their neighbors nice while pushing problems into Aurora and surrounding locales.

Boulder Mentality

Emperor Polis’ husband is a Boulder native and boulder to his bones. He isn’t the most savvy p.r. person. Perhaps he doesn’t feel a need?


As always, YMMV

Monday, September 2, 2024

Immigrants, Seeking to Assimilate to a Better Life

Welcome to Venezuela Norte

Sanctuary city Denver welcomed some 4,500 Venezuelans in recent years. Yearning for freedom and opportunity, they only want to assimilate per the (P)regressive narrative. The reality is somewhat different.




This, along with the cartel drug gangs and gang bangers makes one yearn for the simpler times of outlaw motorcycle gangs.

While Denver leaders piss and moan, Aurora is different. The term limited mayor, Mike Coffman, marine and former Congressman has the backing of most of the community to fight back. His successor, Mayor Pro Temp Dustin Zyonek, is of a like mind.




The wolves are to be relocated. Where? Who knows at this point? Of course, per the environazis, the fault lies with the ranchers whose livestock is being killed.


Red Desert

The B.L.M. wants to lock up the area as reported in a recent blog. Now this news. Is a showdown looming?


Those of us old enough remember many uranium boom and bust events. Will this be just another or will the overall political environment allow this country to enjoy economic energy?

With the passing of Senator Harry Reid (D) (Corrupt) Nevada, will the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository be finished and used?


This from LL Virtual Mirage

** Uranium Energy (UEC.A) said on Tuesday it restarted uranium production at its Christensen Ranch operations in Wyoming, with shipments expected in November or December. Uranium is the most widely used fuel for nuclear energy. According to the International Energy Agency, with a global push for clean energy, nuclear generation could roughly double by 2050, and so should supply. With a rebound in uranium prices, miners are planning to restart defunct mines to boost the domestic supply of nuclear reactor fuel at a time when the country gets most of its fuel from Russia

Timothy McVeigh

People still remember he used ammonium nitrate base to carry out the OKC bombing. Understandably, concerns are raised when 30 tons of the stuff disappears. The whole story can be found here but the Cliff Notes is faulty latches allowing 30 tons of fertilizer to be spread over 1500 miles of railroad tracks.


Tenth Anniversary 

Sisty is far better at keeping track of dates. Heart problem, bradycardio, where the heartbeat is too slow to keep enough blood flow to the brain, caused me to face plant. Two days later a pacemaker was implanted. Spending Labor Day Weekend in ICU isn’t my fondest memory. No problems since, and with eight years of  battery life left, I should be good to go for awhile.

About a month later my nose was reworked from the several times I used it to hit a fist.

Nearly three years later I finally paid off the co-pays.

Bird Hunting

A neighbor was an avid bird hunter until heart problems, diabetes and losing a leg stopped him. I shared with him my one and only bird hunting experience. I was around 18, friends invited me to hunt pheasants, and one loaned me a single shot 20 gauge. We were hunting in a harvested corn field. I saw a pheasant running between rows and shot him. My friends were upset; explained that you must shoot them while flying. When the day was over we had harvested exactly one pheasant.

This neighbor relives working with dogs by scattering treats along the hall for Banner who now goes up the hall moving and sniffing from side to side.

A Memorable Wedding Ceremony


When the lovely Karen Larsen and I exchanged vows a thunderstorm was forming. During the reception it passed over the town of Steamboat Springs with golf ball sized hail. My aunt Nancy, peering out a window, exclaimed, “Well, I’ve always said when Frank got married all hell would break loose”.

We are a family noted for positive affirmations.

 As always, YMMV