Saturday, September 14, 2024

Humane, or Proudly Ignorant?


Ain’t None of them Cowboys

Feral horses are often a problem on open ranges. They are prolific breeders with few predators. They overgraze the range. During droughts and harsh winters they die slow deaths from starvation.

Controlling their population gets people stirred up. People love horses. Love, without understanding, or even caring to understand facts, is animal cruelty. Cue Emperor Polis.


Shooting Update

Victor Anthony De Santiago, the man who tried to kill a Colorado State Trooper, was born in California. He was a long time Colorado resident with a criminal record. To date, there is no indication he had any affiliation with Venezuela gangs.

They Raise Them Early in Wyoming 


Please understand I don’t applaud this hunter; just understand the culture. I was raised with subsistence (poacher) hunters. The ethos was a quick kill. Don’t make an animal suffer. I’m opposed to archery hunting because a quick kill is unlikely.

Rare Earths

This is, hopefully, good news.



Yes, I know, not everyone is interested. 


Daily Life

From the local rag’s Cop Log. It isn’t all shoot ups and high speed chases. We sometimes forget what law enforcement handles day to day.


 As always, YMMV


commoncents said...

Trump Campaign Drops New 'Ad' Of Kamala, Reaches Troll Factor Eight - Video

ps. would u please add CC to your blogroll? thanks!

Ami said...

My brother is a hunter. Back when he started, it was for his family. Sustenance. But he started trying to get trophies. And he LIKES killing things. He admits it. I don't understand it. I have no issue with those who are using what they harvest to feed their families, but the idea of enjoying the deaths of living creatures is mystifying to me. Horrifying, too.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

That would involve reading instructions.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

There is a certain enjoyment in a successful hunt that I won't deny but killing something just to kill it leaves me cold. I fell the same way about fishing. I live by the mountain man saying, "Don't go bothering something that ain't bothering you".

Old NFO said...

IMHO, nothing wrong with subsistence hunting. And yes, city folk vs. ranchers on the wolves, bears, and other predators they want to 'reintroduce'... If they love them so much, reintroduce them in their neighborhoods!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

When my Dad was a section foreman for the old D&RG, the tracks were in areas not easily accessible to the public and the deer were abundant. Many a family having hard times found a deer quarter on their back porch.

Already towns are starting to see lions and bears on their decks and back yards.

Opinionated and Right said...

The Bottom line...Can we Ignore the Democratic s Laughing Loon? Can we Ignore a Laughing Hyena? I think Not! Can we Ignore someone who a Communist trying to sell you her Propaganda on supporting Communism and Communists. Who is a DUMMY when it comes to policy be it Foreign, or Domestic ! Who tries to LAUGH if off like an Hyena rather than give a descent, and a Logical reply! Who would rather help the CRIMINAL or the DISTINCTIVE PROTESTER then help the Victim? This is not the American way. We don't elect a person because of her Black Race, or her Gender,or ability to Laugh like an Hyena rather then than find a remedy. Or the pick a Moronic running Mate! Who would rather ignore the press then to embarrass herself by showing the reporter that she is so UNQUALIFIED that she just can't even give a Press Interview!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

No argument here.