Thursday, April 30, 2020

Harshing Their Mellow, Coven Edition

The Coven, aka  The Ladies of the Round Table, now meet outside on the plaza, carefully keeping their distance.

Today was coupon day courtesy of the U.S. Mail and they availed themselves of the Burger King deals. One member volunteered to pick up their phoned in order.

Banner the dog and I had just returned from our mile walk as they were distributing their food orders. Four calculators were being used to decide who owed what. Turns out the pickup witch failed to turn in the coupons! Soon she was on her cell calling the store and arguing with the person on the other end.

All during this food was not being eaten. Hope they enjoyed their cold fries and burgers.

 Banner and I beat a hasty retreat.


LL said...

You're wise to avoid the coven and their cold food. However, I'm sure that Banner would bolt down a cold burger (traitor to the cause) if one was offered to him.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Banner is all nose and appitite. When the Coven sees him, all food is promptly secured. That dog will eat anything, including raw onions. You don't need to offer it; just leave it unguarded.

Old NFO said...

Wow... common sense... And yes, dogs WILL eat anything. Don't EVER let him get broccoli!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

All the "experts" in the building say he eats grass for his digestion. My concern is him eating grass that has been sprayed with Roundup or similar. Found out he won't eat raw spinach unless I chop it up and mix it in his regular food.