Sunday, October 13, 2019


An off year election is here.  Mainly, the various city/town mayors and council seats are up for a vote.

The two items in the picture most likely ended up in the trash at most homes. Mine are being read. I’ve never missed voting and try to be somewhat informed.

Only two statewide issues are up for a vote. Proposition CC and Proposition DD.

Colorado is unique as the only state to pass and incorporate TABOR (Taxpayers Bill of Rights) and incorporate it into the state constitution.

The TABOR Amendment, which was approved by voters in 1992, limits the amount of revenue the State of Colorado can retain and spend. The TABOR limit “base” is equal to the lesser of the prior fiscal year's revenue limit grown by Colorado inflation and population growth, or the current fiscal year's revenue.

The (P)regressives hate TABOR as it keeps them from spending money the state doesn’t have and to refund taxes collected over a certain limit. Prop CC is an effort to cripple TABOR.

One wonders why large sums of dark money from out of state are flowing in to get it passed.

Prop DD involves legalized gambling with some vague promise to use the tax revenue to fund water projects.

I will vote “NO” on each. Prop CC because I love TABOR because it keeps us from total Californication. Prop DD because of the vagueness.

Why are these two propositions on the ballot? Cynical me says because off year elections have sparse participation, the backers believe their interest group can be fired up enough to vote.

Oh, and Colorado votes by mail. My suspicious mind wonders how that plays out or doesn’t, in terms of election integrity.


Fredd said...

Vote by mail is one sure fire way to insure malfeasance and skulduggery will reign in the voting process. No way to verify anything, lots of ways to rig the results.

Bring back the good ol' days: where you had to own land to vote, and you had to show up in person to vote, and you had to be an American to vote and you had to show up on election day to vote.

Sigh....the good ol' days.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I wonder how much mail voting caused CO to go blue.

drjim said...

There's a bunch of Larimer County specific stuff I'm going through, but at this point, it looks like we'll vote NO! on *everything* on the ballot.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Nothing on the ballots to arouses my enthusiasm, damnit!

Brig said...

My voter pamphlet here in Washington is a thick one. I'm slowly reading through it. The darn liberals in Seattle are as usual trying to force the rest of us to their way of Cali thinking.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

And I once was a King County Democrat. In defense, my wife and I were on Dixie Ray Lee's enemy list. Moved back to CO in 1997 when my mother went gaga.

Old NFO said...

Any bets they ‘mysteriously’ pass?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You would bring that up!