Received a clever marketing mail piece disguised as an enrollment form by my Medicare supplemental insurer. What tipped me off was the AARP logo everywhere. I have Secure Horizons/United Health Care.
I don’t belong to AARP and I won’t. Their activities surrounding Obama Care turned me off. I would prefer not to use United Health Care, a firm that paid one executive a one and one half billion dollar bonus. I am also aware of their relationship with AARP. After going over the various options with my agent, I reluctantly went with Secure Horizons as the best fit for me and the health care provider I use.
The crap I got in the mail I’ve forwarded to the appropriate Colorado government office regulating the insurance industry. In my letter, I pointed out my personal information, including Medicare number (Social Security Number with a capital letter added), was given to a third party by Secure Horizons. I await the State’s response.
My agent tells me, had I filled out all the forms and sent them in, I would have removed him as my agent. His commission would be taken back and given to another party. He is seeing a lot of this to the detriment of his business and his time.
The brazenness of this pisses me off. I doubt my letter will produce any change but, damn, I feel I must do something. Guess I will keep whacking moles whenever they pop up. The real issue is, the damn moles no longer have any fear of consequences.
In any case, off on another road trip so postings, comments, and responses will wait until I’m back. Yes, I hear the sigh of relief from the blogworld.