Most of us are grateful for those, past and present, who serve in our armed forces and public safety organizations. They are honored in many ways, as is only proper.
We seldom honor the millions of our fellow citizens who serve quietly, usually without pay, in ways we seldom think of.
A good friend serves on the cemetery committee, library board, grazing commission, Democrat Party County Treasurer, local American Legion Post. etc. His wife has served for many years in agriculture orientated associations.
My sister helped found, and still serves on the board, of a low income health organization, and has served on other not for profit boards.
Look around and you will see thousands of people giving their time, with no monetary compensation, to better their communities. How about home owners associations? Can you think of a more thankless position? Church boards?Parade organizers? Sports teams?
To me, the real strength of our country is the willing service of our regular citizens who give their time to serve their fellow citizens instead of expecting the “government” to do it. They keep up our quality of life. Where this commitment is missing, you find rampant crime and third world living conditions.
When was the last time you (or I) thanked someone for their service?